Salt Lake County Health Department public health nurse Lee Cherie Booth performs a coronavirus test outside the Salt Lake County Health Department in Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake County Health Department public health nurse Lee Cherie Booth performs a coronavirus test outside the Salt Lake County Health Department in Salt Lake City.Credit:AP

Recent increases in cases are likely a result of more people moving about and resuming some business and pleasure activities as all 50 states gradually reopen.

Huge nationwide protests with no social distancing after the May 25 the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police could lead to another spike in cases in coming weeks.


Health officials believe the first US coronavirus cases appeared in January,and the nation recorded 1 million cases by April 28. So far in June,there have been an average of 21,000 new cases a day compared with an average of 30,000 a day in April and 23,000 a day in May,according to a Reuters tally.

Total US coronavirus-related deaths have surpassed 112,000,also the most in the world.

On May 12,the World Health Organisation (WHO) advised governments that before reopening,the rate of people testing positive for the coronavirus should remain at 5 per cent or lower for at least 14 days.

US rates of positive test results have fluctuated between 4 per cent and 7 per cent nationally and have not met those guidelines,although many individual states have.


Some states were still reporting positive rates above the WHO threshold last week,with Maryland at 8 per cent,Utah at 9 per cent,Nebraska at 9 per cent,Virginia at 9 per cent,Massachusetts at 11 per cent and Arizona at 12 per cent.

At the peak of the outbreak in April,25 per cent to 50 per cent of tests came back positive.


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