The president of the Cambodian Association of Victoria is Youhourn Chea,the brother-in-law of former Labor MP Hong Lim,who has been named in secret tapes as being a factional ally of Mr Somyurek.
There is no suggestion that any multicultural grants were used to fund branch stacking. There is also no suggestion the organisations are not legitimate organisations.
The grants are a fraction of the total number of grants awarded during Mr Scott’s stint as minister for multicultural affairs.
Mr Scott signed off on a grant to a group run by Youhorn Chea,the brother-in-law of Mr Lim,who Mr Scott previously worked for,a senior Labor source confirmed. The source also said he acted on advice and never varied any applications. Mr Scott defended the process by which he approved grants.
“All grants provided were recommended by the Victorian Multicultural Commission,after review by an expert panel,” said Mr Scott.
“Funding has been provided to these organisations by both Liberal and Labor Governments over many years,and enables them to celebrate their culture and the contribution their community has made to a stronger Victoria.”
Australia Light Foundation,an Islamic community charitable group,headquartered in Tottenham,received about $700,000 in several large grants from the Department of Multicultural Affairs while Mr Scott was in charge of the portfolio.
This has included grants from Multicultural Community Infrastructure Fund,Multicultural Events&Activities Program,Community Harmony Program,Security Infrastructure Fund,Community Infrastructures and Cultural Precincts program,Community Building and Partnership Program and a program to stamp out graffiti.
The foundation counts ALP electorate officer Mr Koyu as a committee member;all seven other members of the committee are ALP members.
Mr Koyu,a lieutenant of Mr Somyurek,is employed in the office of Labor upper house MP Ms Vaghela,an ally of Mr Somyurek,who is a former adviser to Mr Scott and the first Indian-born member of Victorian Parliament. There is no evidence to suggest Ms Vaghela was involved in branch stacking.
Secret recordings show Mr Somyurek viewed Mr Koyu as important to his plans to extend his branch stacking operation into the Indian community.
Adem Somyurek outside his home on June 16.Credit:AAP
On one tape,Mr Somyurek alleges that"Hamdi[Koyu] will be good because he’s got the Indians anyway,he’s working with the Indians in Kaushaliya’s office so he knows them."
On another recording,he describes using Mr Koyu to take over Labor branches.
Mr Koyu and Ms Vaghela were at the infamous Lalor branch meeting in January in outer Melbourne in which 100 people gatecrashed the home of a Jasvinder Sidhu,a member of a rival faction who was punched during the heated gathering.
Mr Somyurek was later recorded as saying ALP operatives aligned to him had taken over that branch. Mr Koyu was filmed at the meeting on his phone talking to Mr Somyurek - Mr Somyurek’s name is filmed on his phone - as the meeting descended into chaos.
"Our little operation,as acrimonious as it was,has been very successful. We are about to take over that branch easily,” Mr Somyurek said on one recording.
Mr Koyu denied being involved in branch stacking when contacted byThe Age.
“I am not a branch stacker and have been a member of my local branch for over 10 years. I have not held a position in my branch,” he said.
“For all funding applications,the ALF deals directly with the relevant departmental officials and other than support letters from local representatives,we have not sought or received assistance from ministers.”
He said the organisation had received grants from Liberal and Labor governments and pointed to the good charitable work of the foundation,whichThe Age is not disputing.
Another group to have received grants from Mr Scott’s office that had committee members working for Mr Somyurek is the Heidelberg West-based Somali Australian Council of Victoria (SACOV). The organisation had up until 2018 counted Mr Somyurek’s ally Dr Haraco as its secretary and longtime spokesman.
Dr Haraco was accused of branch stacking in mid-2018 when the ALP recorded a large increase in Somali members based in Heidelberg joining the party.
At the time of the allegations,Dr Haraco was president of the Heidelberg branch of the ALP. Records show he is currently a delegate for the ALP’s Federal Electoral Assembly,a key body within the party.
Dr Haraco is also mentioned by Mr Somyurek in the secret recordings on more than one occasion as being linked to his stacking plans,though these claims are not supported by any further evidence in the recording.
"Dr Hussein works for me,his daughter works for me... they are self-sustaining in Jagajaga,"Mr Somyurek tells members of his branch stacking"flying squad".
Mr Somyurek is also asked on the tape who will pay for the Somali memberships,to which the former cabinet minister replies:“I’ll have to”.
SACOV was the beneficiary of grants signed off by Mr Scott during his time as minister for multicultural affairs,though it received far less than the ALF.
SACOV’s accounts show that between 2014 and 2019 it received $191,330 in government grants.
This included several large awards to the association even when only a handful of grants were given out to community organisations under a particular program across the entire state.
SACOV was one of seven groups in 2018 to receive a large anti-racism grant of more than $16,000. The organisation was also linked to a $200,000 grant awarded to the Banyule City Council to revamp the Bell Street Mall in West Heidelberg. Dr Haraco is also vice-president of the Bell Street Mall Traders Association.
Dr Haraco did not respond to emails after refusing to talk toThe Age because he was driving his car.
The Cambodian Association of Victoria in Springvale also has strong links to Mr Somyurek’s factional allies. It has long been tied to former Moderate Labor MP Mr Lim,who was in Parliament until the 2018 election. Mr Lim’s brother-in-law,Mr Chea,who is not the subject of branch stacking allegations,describes himself as the president of the organisation on LinkedIn.
Mr Lim was a founding member of the association and has been president,according to association documents.
Mr Lim has previously faced allegations of branch stacking,which he denied at the time. He was replaced as the MP for Clarinda by Meng Heang Tak who is also of Cambodian background and features in the Somyurek tapes.
"Whereas Hong used to be this f---ing whingeing turd,Heang's not like that. It's like,'I got you in[to Parliament],you gotta do as I say,'"Mr Somyurek said in the secret recordings.
"So I rang Heang up,I said,'Mate,what's going on? ... We support you for preselection and you hand your votes over.'"
Mr Tak denied any involvement in branch stacking when contacted byThe Age.
The group does not produce accounts after its charity status was revoked in 2015. A review of major grants shows the Cambodian Association of Victoria received $93,741 in 2018 under two programs,including $74,993 for community infrastructure and cultural precincts. In the 2017 financial year it received $70,000 for a number of events to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Cambodian settlement in Australia.
Mr Chea,who is also a City of Greater Dandenong councillor,adamantly rejected any suggestion that he was ever involved in branch stacking and said the association had done a lot of work to help the Cambodian community.
Mr Lim said it was not fair to target the association because many organisations,such as those representing the Greek and Italian communities,had received greater funding."Why don’t you look at them,"he said before hanging up.
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