Former prime minister Paul Keating.

Former prime minister Paul Keating.Credit:Sam Mooy

Mr Keating also backed Assistant Minister for Superannuation Jane Hume's concerns the economic crisis spurred on by the coronavirus outbreaks show a need for super funds with high concentration of members working in retail,tourism and hospitality to consolidate. He said her view was reasonable.

Restrictions imposed to limit the spread of COVID-19 have hit these industries particularly hard leading to lower super payments due to job losses and cut hours,and cash withdrawals of up to $20,000 for workers accessing their retirement funds early under expanded hardship provisions.

Ms Hume haswarned single-industry focused funds are indicative of a systemic risk and diversifying both assets and membership bases were important considerations that could lead to more mergers.


"There should be rationalisation,"Mr Keating said,adding the sector should be pushing ahead to form larger funds with more options available under economies of scale.

Industry super fundsCbus,which is construction focused,and Media Super revealed plans last month to form a joint $60 billion fund representing 800,000 members in 2021.

The economic impacts of the pandemic have seen a growing group of Liberal backbenchers jostling tostop a planned increase in the superannuation guarantee to 12 per cent from 9.5 per cent,arguing businesses and workers can ill-afford the rise.


However,Mr Keating was scathing of the push to limit the rise,which is currently legislated. The federal government has repeatedly said there are"no plans"to stop the increase.

"There's no economic case for it not to go ahead – none,"Mr Keating said."There's a prejudicial case[pushed by] some of these baby-faced Liberals."

Modelling from Rice Warner,commissioned by Industry Super Australia,has warned dropping the super guarantee in favour of a higher universal means-tested age pension would hurt the government's short-term fiscal position.

The modelling found the budget would be $17.3 billion worse off in this scenario in 2020 and $98.6 billion worse off in inflation-adjusted dollars by 2058.

"This fiscal impact would suggest that proposals to abandon the[super guarantee] and replace it with a universal means tested age pension would lead Australia into the challenges of other countries which rely on a publicly funded pension to meet their communities'retirement expectations,"the report says.

The analysis also says limiting the super guarantee to 9.5 per cent was unlikely to have a material impact on the fiscal position.

A modest benefit in the short-term through higher tax revenue was expected to be offset by lower superannuation earnings tax and higher age pension costs over time,leading to a negative impact on the budget in 25 years.

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