WA Premier Mark McGowan,QLD businessman and politician Clive Palmer.

WA Premier Mark McGowan,QLD businessman and politician Clive Palmer.Credit:Nine

Two days after the initial hearing,the Commonwealth withdrew its support of Mr Palmer’s position that WA’s ‘all-or-nothing’ approach to the border closure was unconstitutional.

A spokesman for Premier Mark McGowan said the Premier had requested the federal government back WA’s application for a retrial.


“Currently all of the federal government’s evidence presented to the Federal Court last week has not been struck out,” he said.

“This means the Prime Minister’s public statement to ‘withdraw’ from supporting Clive Palmer’s action against WA is meaningless.

“This is an urgent matter that needs the attention of the Prime Minister,as it is not known when the Federal Court will bring down its findings.”

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the Commonwealth would"assist the WA government with what they're seeking to achieve".


"The WA government asked us to withdraw from the case with no other requests,"he told reporters in Canberra on Thursday.

"We did that on Monday. We did it fulsomely and comprehensively. But I'll be writing back to[the Premier] today.

"And our response,I believe,will assist what they're seeking to do.

"The WA Premier,he has a quarrel,not with me on this at all. His quarrel is elsewhere."

During the hearing,five public health expert witnesses were called to give evidence including two on behalf of Western Australia,one on behalf of Mr Palmer and two on behalf of the Commonwealth.

The Commonwealth also tendered a number of reports and written submissions.


Mr Palmer’s expert,Associate Professor Sanjaya Senanyake,gave a relatively small amount of verbal evidence compared to his counterparts.

Constitutional law expert Anne Twomey said if Mr Palmer was successful in his legal challenge,WA would likely have a number of revised border closure directions ready to be immediately implemented.

“It could for example use the Northern Territory and Queensland approach of only excluding people within the last 14 days if they’ve been in a COVID hotspot,” she said.

“Or it could say if you’ve been in a COVID hotspot then you must quarantine for 14 days but we’ll let you in.”

The Federal Court must determine the facts in the case before the matter moves to the High Court for a decision.

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