Demonstrators in Texas demand that lockdown restrictions are lifted.

Demonstrators in Texas demand that lockdown restrictions are lifted.Credit:Bloomberg

Having landed in a COVID-19 epicentre – now a battleground for the US presidential election – I wasn't about to take any chances.

"Make five circles on the left side of your mouth with the swab,and then five circles on the right,"the woman in the fluoro vest tells me,as we stand in a makeshift medical tent next to Houston's Minute Maid Stadium.

"Now pop it back gently into the vial,seal it in the bag,and place the bag over there. You should have the results in three to four days."

As I walked out of the car park,a few things dawned on me. Firstly,I'd been given no instructions to self-isolate after the test – something that would be almost unheard of in Australia,where people are generally advised to stay at home just in case they're carrying the virus. (My results confirmed I was COVID-free.)

Secondly,this newly opened site was now the largest testing centre in Houston,with capacity to conduct up to 2000 tests a day. Yet at this particular lunch hour last week,I was one of two people standing in line,and only spotted a dozen or so cars using the drive-through service while I was there.

Which begs the question:when it comes to the pandemic,do Texans care,or has politics and individual liberty allowed the state to just let it rip?


Catherine Troisi,an infectious disease epidemiologist based in Houston,believes it's a combination of failings.

"We've probably done the worst job we could do,"says Troisi,who works at UTHealth School of Public Health.

A sample is collected at a free COVID-19 testing site in Texas last week.

A sample is collected at a free COVID-19 testing site in Texas last week.Credit:AP

"We never really shut down,there was a lot of conflicted messaging – including at the national level – and at first there wasn't even a statewide mask order.

"Adding to all this was'Texas individualism'– where people don't like being told what to do. Most of America is like this,but I'd hazard a guess that Texas is one of the worst when it comes to libertarianism."

The genesis of Texas'woes can be traced back to the start of May,when Republican Governor Greg Abbott,a Trump ally,rushed to reopen the state after weeks of confusing"stay at home"orders and partisan disagreements with Democrat mayors.

Until then,Texans had been urged not to leave their homes except for essential services and activities. But many residents didn't stay home at all,and the definition of"essential"included things like gun stores,hunting,and church congregations.

As restaurants,bars,gyms and beauty salons began to reopen,cases and fatalities started to skyrocket. On May 1,Texas recorded 25 new deaths in a day. On July 27 there were 685 in a day.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and US President Donald Trump discuss the coronavirus response.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and US President Donald Trump discuss the coronavirus response.Credit:AP

By Friday,the sun belt state – with a population of 29 million people,including high numbers of Latinos and African Americans – had recorded almost 531,000 cases of coronavirus and 9771 deaths,according to Johns Hopkins University figures. The proportion of tests coming back positive was 16.4 percent,among the highest in the country.

As the Democratic conventions begin this week,Texas has become so much of a COVID-19 disaster that some believe this Republican stronghold could end up costing Donald Trump at the ballot box in November.

"Texas would have been competitive anyway but coronavirus has really shone a light on how the pandemic has been mismanaged,"says Abhi Rahman,communications director for the Texas Democrats.

Across the streets of Houston,the financial impact has also been acutely felt by businesses across the city.

Among them is The Breakfast Klub,a midtown institution where locals flock every day just to get a serve of its signature southern dishes:catfish and grits,or chicken wings and waffles.

Speaking at the eatery last week,owner Marcus Davis admits the past few months have been tough. When restaurants were shut down in March,he was suddenly forced to rely on takeaway dining,which accounted for only 20 per cent of his business back then. Staff were stood down,and"I had no idea if or when we'd come out of the other side,"he says.

Today,however,the 48-year-old father and entrepreneur is grateful his restaurant was able to reopen under strict social distancing rules.

But Davis,who describes himself as an independent voter,argues that an opportunity was lost by Trump,who he believes should have pushed for an immediate lockdown across the states,combined with measures such as food discounts or housing support to help the most vulnerable.

"I think if,as a nation,we had committed to making everything stop for a period of time,then we'd have a better grasp of this now,"he says.

Elsewhere in Texas,the impact of coronavirus is hard to ignore. Schools,which have been told to reopen in person or face funding cuts,are ordering plexiglass in droves to minimise the spread of germs among children.

In aged care homes,elderly residents have been unable to see their relatives for five months.

Even death notices are becoming increasingly political:last month,in a scathing obituary published in a local newspaper in Jefferson,the family of 79-year-old coronavirus victim David Nagy blamed his death squarely on Trump and Abbott,and took aim at the"ignorant,self centred and selfish people"who had refused to wear masks.

"Family members believe David's death was needless,"his wife,Stacey Nagy,wrote.

The obituary for David W. Nagy in Texas blames Donald Trump's response to the pandemic for his death.

The obituary for David W. Nagy in Texas blames Donald Trump's response to the pandemic for his death.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott's office did not answer questions in time for deadline about the state's response to the virus,or what more could be done to tackle it.

However,at a news conference last week,Abbott admitted that hospitals remained overburdened,even though hospitalisation rates had declined.


A statewide mask mandate was issued in July and testing has also been boosted. However,getting people to take a test or stay at home is challenging,partly because of the high proportion of Texans who don't have sick leave or insurance,or who don't use government services because of immigration fears.

Last week,for instance,the average number of coronavirus tests administered in Texas each day was 36,255,down from 62,516 two weeks earlier. Along with other populous states such as California and Florida,it is continuing to struggle through the virus.

"We have far more daily testing capacity than there are tests being undertaken,"Abbott toldThe Houston Chronicle on Thursday.

Back at UTHealth,Catherine Troisi reckons the lessons for other jurisdictions are simple:wear a mask,keep your distance,wash your hands – and don't rush to reopen"if the virus is still out there".

Does she believe the worst is over for Texas?

"I can't say I'm overly optimistic,"she says."It's just really,really unfortunate that politics got involved in all this. Maybe at some point,enough people will have died,or our hospitals will be so overwhelmed that our politicians will finally get it."

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