It comes as Premier Daniel Andrews'much-anticipated appearance before the inquiry has been pushed back from Wednesday to Friday afternoon due to scheduling issues.
Counsel assisting the inquiry,Rachel Ellyard,said"these timetabling[changes] have been at the board's initiative and we are very grateful to the ministers for accommodating us."
In his daily press conference this morning,Mr Andrews stood by his August statement to Parliament's accounts and estimates committee that it was"fundamentally incorrect to assert there was hundreds of ADF staff on offer and somehow someone said no."
Mr Andrews said this morning:"I made comments on the matters and I stand by the comments I made and,again,I'm not interested in adding to those comments."
The evidence to the inquiry so far strongly suggests that from the first day the program was set up on March 27,there was help available from the Australian Defence Force for the quarantine effort.
The decision to use private security over police or Defence troops has been a contentious issue politically and before the inquiry. More than 30 security guards contracted COVID-19 while working in the hotels before the virus spread into the community and caused Victoria's second wave.
Emergency Management Commissioner Andrew Crisp.Credit:Luis Ascui
Mr Andrews said this morning the mistakes made in the program were unacceptable and the inquiry was set up to shed light on what happened.
"I don't believe anyone in any position of authority is in any doubt,those mistakes are unacceptable to me and unacceptable to the Victorian community,"he said.
While Victoria's top decision-makers,including department heads who ran hotel quarantine,the current and former police chiefs and Mr Crisp have told the inquiry they don't know who made the call to use private security,Mr Phemister was clearer in his evidence today.
Mr Phemister told the inquiry he received a briefing after the crucial 4pm state control centre meeting from Jobs Department executive Claire Febey,who was in the meeting,and she told him the department had been directed to procure private security.
He said immediately after that debriefing,his staff began looking for security companies. If the decision had been made earlier,he would have contracted security firms sooner,he said.
"I'm certain I wouldn't have waited hours and others in the planning wouldn't have waited hours to tell me a decision had been taken,"Mr Phemister said."I would have done that earlier had I been aware of it earlier."
Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Mick Grainger told Mr Crisp during the meeting that it was the force's preference that private security be the"first line of security."Victoria Police have argued that they were expressing a preference,not a direction.
Mr Phemister said he has listen to the recordings of the meeting and said the experts were in the room,they were senior people and decision-makers.
"I take that as a clear direction we should go off and do it,"he said.
A transcript of the meeting shows Ms Febey telling Assistant Commissioner Grainger she wanted to have a follow-up conversation with him about the police's role,"which I would have thought was around where things are not going as they should and you need to be called in to assist with enforcement".
Assistant Commissioner Grainger has told the inquiry he did not receive a follow-up call from Ms Febey.
The part of the transcript,which was shown during cross-examination of Mr Phemister by police lawyer Dan Star QC,showed that the Jobs Department's view was always that private security was the lead and police would assist.
"Claire[Febey] is contributing a thought to an hour long meeting where there are many thoughts,"Mr Phemister responded."It was an exploratory conversation at that point where Ms Febey was expressing a view."
Mr Phemister said the decision to use security guards was not made during a Victorian Secretaries Board meeting that was happening about the same time and involved Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton and Department of Premier and Cabinet boss Chris Eccles.
Mr Phemister said the role of the state control centre was to make those operational decisions.
The exchange of WhatsApp messages about the quality of guards came within a departmental group calling itself"Working with Vic A team"at just after 10pm on March 27,the night the key decisions were made.
One of three security firms hired was Unified Security. It was the most expensive bidder,but it hired almost all of its guards through sub-contracting and was not a government-approved supplier. Despite this it was awarded the work for most of the hotels.
Ms Ellyard said there did not seem to be any formal process of notification or approval of the subcontractors chosen by the department. Instead,a"personal rapport through a professional connection"was developed between the department and the security firm,she said.
Mr Phemister said Unified came at the recommendation of members of his department who ran the Jobs Victoria scheme and had worked with the company before. He said the company performed well in the early days of the program and was able to provide staff at short notice.
Though members of his own department emphasised Unified's ability to"employ loads of Jobs Victoria clients"and provide work to the unemployed,Mr Phemister said"it was never once raised with me that was the case and never a consideration I put into the mix".