Rudy Giuliani,pictured with Ukrainian official Andriy Derkach,who has been named as part of a Russia disinformation effort.

Rudy Giuliani,pictured with Ukrainian official Andriy Derkach,who has been named as part of a Russia disinformation effort.Credit:AP

Last night,the Republican National Committee filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission over Twitter's decision to limit sharing of theNew York Post story.

The committee argued that it was an"illegal corporate in-kind political contribution"to the Biden's campaign.


It accused Twitter of being a"partisan actor"which had"used its corporate resources to provide active support for Joe Biden's campaign in violation of federal law".

Meanwhile,Trump and Biden took part in competing town hall events,which were broadcast on separate television networks at the same time. Preliminary viewing figures suggested that Biden won the competition for viewers,with 14.1 million to Trump's 13.5 million.

Trump refused to denounce the QAnon conspiracy theory,which falsely claims the US government is controlled by a"deep state"cabal of anti-Trump satanist paedophiles.

The president said:"I know nothing about QAnon. I know very little.


"What I do hear about it,they are very strongly against paedophilia. I do agree with that."

He was also questioned over his decision to retweet a false conspiracy theory,from a QAnon-linked Twitter account,that Navy Seals killed a body double of Osama bin Laden,and that the Obama administration covered it up.

Trump said that he was just"putting it out there"and"people can decide for themselves".

Savannah Guthrie,host of the town hall,responded:"I don't get that. You are the president,not someone's crazy uncle."

Attacking the president for his handling of the pandemic,Biden said:"We're in a situation where we have 210,000-plus people dead,and what's he doing? Nothing. He's still not wearing masks."


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