Credit:The Age

What is Trump’s plan?

While Trump might want Americans to believe that votes are still being sent in after election day and counted by unscrupulous officials,voting has stopped. No state will count absentee ballots postmarked after election day.

What Trump wants is for votecounting to stop. This may seem counterproductive when he is,at the time of writing,still down in the electoral college race to 270,but there’s a clear strategy behind it. This year’s election saw huge voting numbers (Biden for example has already won more than 71 million overall votes,the most of any candidate in history due to the high turn-out). But in a country still ravaged by the pandemic,a record amount have also voted via mail. In many states,these mail-in ballots are counted after those from polling booths.


Postal voting has been built into the state's well-honed electoral systems for decades without concern – the defence force have long used them to vote,says Dr Thomas J. Adams,an expert in US politics and history at the University of Sydney. But mail-in ballots also tend to swing Democrat – hence the terms the “red mirage” and “blue wave” where early election results can show the map filling up with red Republican votes,only to be washed away by blue Democrat mail-in ballots counted later.


The sheer volume of postal voting,coupled with social distancing rules,has slowed counting in many states. And courts have had to order the US postal service under Postmaster General Louis DeJoy,a Trump appointee and former Republican fundraiser,to make sure all ballots are delivered,after he at first declined to run sweeps searching for missing mail-ins. Already,1700 ballots have been found in Pennsylvania (late on Friday).

US elections are big events requiring enormous manpower – even in a normal year it's common for votes to be counted in the days and even weeks after election day. That’s why states have their own inbuilt deadlines for final counts and until December 14 to certify their vote to Congress.

Trump spent the campaign warning of voting fraud,even before ballots were cast. In October,after rushing through the nomination of a new conservative justice Amy Coney Barrett to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court bench,Trump even foreshadowed his bombshell legal challenge."I think this will end up in the Supreme Court,” he told reporters of the election."And I think it’s very important that we have nine justices.”

Adams,like many experts,sees the threat as a ploy,from a president and businessman with a long history of pursuing lawsuits."It's about casting doubt on the result,it's part of how he operates. He throws things out there and sees what sticks. It doesn't mean he can do it. And if they call the election for Biden tonight,it could all be moot anyway."

Still in an election – and a presidency – routinely smashing through precedent,just what could unfold in the Supreme Court,even with a Biden win,is now being hotly debated.

Can the Supreme Court block counting - and has there been fraud?

Trump cannot walk into the Supreme Court and file a petition there to stop votes being counted. Challenges have to work their way up through a gauntlet of state courts first,including district,and,as the final court of appeal in the US,the Supreme Court can then decide which cases it hears.


Election officials have vowed to keep counting in the meantime but the longer it takes,the more time challengers will have to win a bid to block it. Still,Adams thinks the chances of the Trump campaign winning an injunction to halt counting unlikely."There's nothing in the courts to stop it right now. A judge would have to find a clear reason."

That reason,according to Trump,is voting fraud. After a long campaign of warning,without evidence,of ballots dumped in rivers and otherwise underhandedly manipulated to turn blue,the president told the nation overnight they had been the victim of a"major fraud". His evidence this time appeared to be the rapidly tightening race itself."We were getting ready to win this election,"Trump said,before several key state races began tilting for Biden."Frankly,we did win this election."(In a dramatic twist late on Friday AEST,Biden pulled ahead of Trump's lead in two key Republican strongholds,Pennsylvania and Georgia.) Trump has even declared pre-electionpolling by the media,which is conducted for every presidential race,was tantamount to electoral interference.


Sometimes things do go a little awry during voting. On election day this year a burst water main in Georgia delayed vote counting from some counties,for example. At another,there are reports a machine ran out of ink. There were long lines and some reports of voter intimidation,after Trump urged his supporters “observe” those casting ballots,but mostly election day ran smoothly.

The only evidence of voting fraud or tampering so far are two cases of Republican voters attempting to vote twice,disclosed by officials in Nevada and Pennsylvania.

But in that extraordinary speech on November 6 AEST,President Trump doubled down on his claims that the Democrats are trying to"steal"and"rig"the election as mail-in ballots"mysteriously appeared"and whittled down his leads in key states. Without evidence,he launched a tirade of allegations against electoral officials - many of them in states with Republicans running the show such as Georgia - and claimed that mail-in voting,a well-established system,"makes people corrupt even if they aren't by nature".

Officials across the country have hit back and begun to debunk some of the wild claims from Trump's campaign,including allegations of dead people voting in Nevada.One viral video allegedly depicting 80 Trump ballots being set alight,shared on Twitter by US President Donald Trump's son Eric,has already been ruled a fake by the city of Virginia Beach where it was filmed,which said:"They are NOT official ballots,they are sample ballots."The giveaway? The sample ballots did not have a bar code.


Adams says that when it comes to voter disenfranchisement,the odd box of ballots left unopened usually never makes a difference to the final result. The real tactic that changes the map is stopping certain people from voting in the first place.

"You hear stories here and there of ... human error. But the real problems are out of the Republican playbook,finding ways to stop people[likely to vote] Democrat,throwing up hurdles,like overzealous ID checks,at polls."

Of course,this year the expanded rules to allow for more mail-in voting during COVID has opened the doors for more legal challenges.

There's already been a suite of challenges in many states by Republicans keen to have mail-ins thrown out,including five heard by the Supreme Court in the past fortnight. Some states are counting ballots received up to three days after election day so long as they are clearly postmarked for November 3.


One such challenge to this rule in Pennsylvania is still on the Supreme Court’s docket. In October,the court declined to fast-track a bid by Republicans to stop vote counting of late arriving ballots,but its conservative justices left the door open to reconsider the challenge in the future and asked officials to mark those ballots in contention. Justice Barrett did not take part in the vote that deadlocked the bench because,as the newest justice,she was yet to review the case. But if Pennsylvania becomes the deciding state in the electoral college race,the court,now with a five to four conservative lean,may well intercede. Still the state's top election chief Kathy Boockvar says the numbers of late-arriving ballots in question are not a huge part of the overall totals in Pennsylvania.


In terms of a bigger,more national challenge,some in Trump's camp push the line that all of these new COVID rules on voting have not been legislated specifically under state laws,and therefore all such ballots should be ruled invalid.

Since election day,Trump's campaign has filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania,Michigan and Georgia,joining existing Republican challenges in Nevada and Pennsylvania. The new cases in Michigan and Georgia have already been thrown out. In Georgia,Trump's lawyers wanted to force Chatham county follow its existing state laws on absentee ballots,alleging a Republican poll observer had"witnessed 53 late absentee ballots[those received after 7pm on election night,being] illegally added to a stack of on-time absentee ballots",but this bid has already been thrown out by a judge who found no evidence the ballots in question were invalid. (And the Republican election chief there has stressed they are following all the state rules). Trump campaign officials say they are considering peppering a dozen other counties around the state with similar claims around absentee ballots.

But Adams says it would be staggering if Republicans got such a case over the line."The rules were made before the election,and they've already tried and failed in a lot of their challenges. We've passed the moment for a proper reckoning."

Biden's lawyer has warned if Trump does land a challenge in the Supreme Court he will face"one of the most embarrassing defeats a president has ever suffered".

Adams agrees the president's chances are slim,but says that if they do find a reason that makes its way through the courts and before"the Supremes",then"all bets are off!"

"Especially if the court decides it's the same issue across a few of those states that are deciding the result of the race ...Trump has his judges on the Supreme Court now,so it's possible they could find a way to help him...but it doesn't mean they'll automatically vote his way. His[other pick] Brett Kavanaugh has already broken ranks on certain[election] cases."

What about recounts?

Trump has already demanded a recount in the crucial Midwestern state of Wisconsin where Biden edged a narrow victory alongside a suite of other battleground"rust belt"states. Trump’s team say they are well within the allowed margins for a recount in Wisconsin (about 1 per cent or less) though there's still 20,000 odd votes between them.

Nevada,where recount laws are even more relaxed,is still tight for Biden,as is Arizona,despite being called by some media outlets for the Democrats on election night. But Biden remains ahead and,critically,he has now overtaken Trump's lead in both Georgia and Pennsylvania,both Republican strongholds where vote counting has reached it's final stretch. (If the winner's leading margin is 0.5 per cent or less of the total votes cast in either state there will be grounds for a recount.)

At the time of writing,by AP's analysis,Biden needed just one more state to win,Trump needed all of the four states still up for grabs,or most of them and a significant court win.

Down the annals of US election history,recounts are not uncommon. In some states they are even triggered automatically if the margins are thin enough. In others,campaigns must have requests approved. They usually change a few hundred votes - not the outcome of an election.

But there is precedent for the Supreme Court to get involved – such as it did during the contested 2000 race between George W. Bush and Al Gore.


Still,Adams says the margins do not seem anywhere near as thin in 2020 as they were back then. By the time the Supreme Court intervened to stop the recount (in favour of Bush),just 537 votes separated the candidates in Florida - the closest margin in US history. (So far...)

"Even somewhere like Wisconsin,the margin might be less than 1 per cent but that can still be tens of thousands of votes in it,"Adams says."I don't think it will change the result."

In Michigan,for example,the vote was called for Biden because he had a 70,000-vote lead on the evening of November 4,a margin over Trump of about 1.3 percentage points,and the ballots that remained to be counted were from overwhelmingly Democratic areas,according to Associated Press.

Wednesday's election,already deemed by some to be"the nightmare scenario"of a near-deadlocked map,has again fermented calls for an overhaul of the old electoral college system. In its mathematical wisdom,the college allows for a tie. But Adams notes reform would need strong consensus across American politicians ("that's not going to happen"). Some states such as Colorado want to form a coalition of states which will then award their electoral votes to whoever wins the popular vote nationally instead."But there's not enough[states on board] yet,"Adams says."There's not even a right to vote in America. Only a right not to be prevented from voting based on your age or race etc. That could be a cause Democrats take up."

As for the election result,Adams says it may come down to close races in states tilting or already called for Biden such as Nevada and Arizona. “If there are recounts there and they flip the vote back to Trump,it will come down to places such as Pennsylvania and Georgia. If it’s all on Pennsylvania,that's where I see the strongest court challenge,this could get really messy.”

With Felicity Lewis

This article was originally published at 12pm on November 5 and was updated as developments unfolded. For the latest on Trump's legal challenges read our new explainerhere.

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