CFMMEU mining division president Tony Maher has lashed the construction division after it criticised him on Sunday.

CFMMEU mining division president Tony Maher has lashed the construction division after it criticised him on Sunday.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

“Over the past couple of years,solidarity has been replaced by self-interest and strength in numbers has been replaced by hostile number-crunching,” said Mr Maher,whose division has about 25,000 members compared to construction’s 60,000.


“The construction division has made it clear that they will use their numbers to steamroll smaller divisions,force decisions in their favour and run the CFMMEU as a construction union. This is an unacceptable situation.”

The CFMMEU,one of the nation’s most powerful and militant unions,has split into warring internal camps with the maritime and construction divisions pitted against the manufacturing and mining and energy divisions. The dispute began last year after Victorian construction division boss John Setka wasconvicted of harassing his wife and,his supporters believe,did not receive enough support from the mining and manufacturing divisions.

Mr Maher quit as CFMMEU national president last month and announced the mining and energy division would withdraw its involvement in CFMMEU forums and activities andoperate as an autonomous union until at least March,ahead of its national convention.


On Sunday,Dave Noonan,the construction division’s national secretary,suggested Mr Maherhad worked with the government on plans to allow unions to de-amalgamate,undermining the union's democratic processes.

The construction division had supported mining workers in the past and the union was working properly,Mr Noonan said.

“The fundamental principle of a democratic workers’ organisation is to accept majority decisions made by the democratic processes of the union,” Mr Noonan said. “It’s understandable that some individuals will be disappointed if the majority decision doesn’t go the way they wish or their personal views do not convince the majority.

“But the union is bigger than any individual and every individual union official is responsible to the members through the democratic structures of the union.”

Attorney-General Christian Porter said the bill was designed to stop the"ridiculous"situation of workers being locked into a union that had"gone off the rails". It will also formalise a union split that rivals any of the government's own efforts to target the CFMMEU.


If the government’s proposed de-amalgamation bill passes Parliament when it is introduced on Wednesday,Mr Maher said the mining division would examine it before a potential vote of officials at its four-yearly convention. If that passes,it would go to a broad vote of the division’s membership.

Labor’s industrial relations spokesman,Tony Burke,said earlier on Monday the party was yet to make a decision on whether to support the legislation,in remarks echoed by Australian Council of Trade Unions secretary Sally McManus. The party's final support will depend on the exact wording the government reveals.

“The concept of workers in a division being able to make a democratic decision is something that we want to look at constructively,” Mr Burke said. “We want to make sure that it’s done in a way that doesn’t tie every union up in red tape.”

Sources within the union movement who declined to be named are concerned the proposed de-amalgamation bill could make territorial union fights more common and distract from helping workers.

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