Liz Cheney,the No. 3 Republican in the US House of Representatives,is facing blowback from conservatives for voting to impeach Trump.

Liz Cheney,the No. 3 Republican in the US House of Representatives,is facing blowback from conservatives for voting to impeach Trump.Credit:AP

In the end,10 Republicans voted yes,which is 10 more than when he was previously impeached for pressuring the Ukrainian President to investigate Joe Biden.

Crossing the floor to vote against Trump took real political courage for these Republicans,many of whom represent districts where Trump remains overwhelmingly popular. They will now likely face death threats and primary challenges for following their conscience.


Trump supporters in the House have already begun mobilising to strip Liz Cheney from her position as the third-most senior Republican in the House as punishment for voting for impeachment.

An optimist would emphasise that this was the most bipartisan impeachment vote in US history. When Democratic president Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1868,no House Democrats voted in favour. When Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998,just five Democrats voted against him.

A pessimist would note that - even after a violent mob invaded their own workplace,including some who threatened to hang Vice-President Mike Pence - only 5 per cent of House Republicans had the fortitude to impeach Trump.

Even as he heads out the door - without his Twitter megaphone and showing no remorse - the vast majority of House Republicans stood by him.


It was demoralising to watch the hours of debate that preceded the final vote,as Republican after Republican rose to say why they were voting against impeachment.

Some nitpicked about the process,saying that Democrats had bypassed the usual committee hearings process.

Others engaged in whataboutism by falsely equating the assault on the Capitol with looting and rioting that broke out during Black Lives Matter protests last year -as did Australia's acting Prime Minister Michael McCormack earlier this week.

Others made mawkish demands for national healing and unity,as if they had not rationalised and excused Trump’s incendiary rhetoric over the past four years.


Some deployed a disturbing ends-justify-the-means logic by saying it would be wrong to impeach Trump,given he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and appointed conservatives to the Supreme Court.

Not one of the more than 100 House Republicans who challenged the election results admitted they were wrong and that Biden was the legitimate president. This is not the sign of a party that will quickly reinvent itself as a responsible,centre-right opposition force.

Because Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell has ruled out fast-tracking the trial process,Trump will end his term without suffering the ultimate indignity of being convicted by the Senate and removed from office prematurely.

As punishment for inspiring the storming of the Capitol,a second Trump impeachment is better than nothing but not nearly enough.

Trump Biden 2020

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