US Secretary of State Tony Blinken.

US Secretary of State Tony Blinken.Credit:Bloomberg

In addition to signalling a willingness to talk with Iran,the administration also reversed Trump’s determination that all UN sanctions against Iran had been restored. And,it eased stringent restrictions on the domestic travel of Iranian diplomats posted to the United Nations.

The State Department announced the moves following discussions between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his British,French and German counterparts,and as Biden prepares to participate,albeit virtually,in his first major international events with world leaders.

The announcement came a day before Biden is to speak to leaders of the G7 industrialised democracies and later in the day address the annual Munich Security Conference. At both,Biden is expected to discuss his commitment to multilateral diplomacy and his desire to undo damage that Trump’s positions may have caused over the previous four years.

In a statement,department spokesman Ned Price said the US would accept an invitation from the European Union to attend a meeting of the participants — the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany,along with Iran — in the original nuclear agreement.

President Hassan Rouhani listens to explanations on new nuclear achievements at a ceremony to mark “National Nuclear Day” in Tehran in 2018.

President Hassan Rouhani listens to explanations on new nuclear achievements at a ceremony to mark “National Nuclear Day” in Tehran in 2018.Credit:AP

“The United States would accept an invitation from the European Union High Representative to attend a meeting of the P5+1 and Iran to discuss a diplomatic way forward on Iran’s nuclear program,” he said. The US has not participated in a meeting of those participants since Trump withdrew from the deal and began steadily ramping up sanctions on Iran.

Such an invitation has not yet been issued but one is expected shortly,following Blinken’s talks with the British,French and German foreign ministers.


Meanwhile,at the United Nations,the administration notified the Security Council that it had withdrawn Trump’s September 2020 invocation of the so-called “snapback” mechanism under which it maintained that all UN sanctions against Iran had been re-imposed. Those sanctions included a conventional arms embargo against Iran that had been set to expire.


Trump’s determination had been vigorously disputed by nearly all other UN members and had left the US isolated at the world body. Thus,the reversal is unlikely to have any immediate practical effect other than to bring the US back into line with the position of the vast majority of UN members,including some of its closest allies.

Acting US ambassador to the UN Richard Mills sent a letter to the Security Council saying the US “hereby withdraws” three letters from the Trump administration that culminated in its September 19 announcement that the US had re-imposed UN sanctions on Tehran due to its “significant non-performance” with its obligations.

Trump’s move had been ignored by the rest of the Security Council and the world,and the overwhelming majority of members in the 15-nation council had called the action illegal because the US was no longer a member of the nuclear deal.

At the same time,officials said the administration has eased extremely strict limits on the travel of Iranian diplomats accredited to the United Nations. The Trump administration had imposed the severe restrictions,which essentially confined them to their UN mission and the UN headquarters building in New York.


The top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee,Representative Michael McCaul of Texas,quickly denounced the steps. “It is concerning the Biden administration is already making concessions in an apparent attempt to re-enter the flawed Iran deal,” he said.

“The Trump administration created leverage for President Biden on Iran — we should not squander that progress.”

Earlier on Thursday,Blinken and his European counterparts had urged Iran to allow continued United Nations nuclear inspections and stop nuclear activities that have no credible civilian use. Theywarned that Iran’s actions could threaten delicate efforts to bring the US back into the 2015 deal and end sanctions damaging Iran’s economy.

Iran is “playing with fire,” said German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas,who took part in the talks in Paris with his British and French counterparts. Blinken had joined via videoconference.


Separately,French media reportedthat a person with dual French and Iranian citizenship and a German national were arrested in Iran more than two weeks ago.

Iran has said it will stop part of International Atomic Energy Agency inspections of its nuclear facilities next week if the West doesn’t implement its own commitments under the 2015 deal. The accord has been unraveling since Trump pulled the US out of the agreement.

Blinken reiterated that “if Iran comes back into strict compliance with its commitments ... the United States will do the same,” according to a joint statement after Thursday’s meeting that reflected closer trans-Atlantic positions on Iran since President Joe Biden took office.

The diplomats noted “the dangerous nature of a decision to limit IAEA access,and urge Iran to consider the consequences of such grave action,particularly at this time of renegotiations.


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