

Julia Gillard’s misogyny speech echoed around the world,striking a positive blow for women’s long struggle against verbal and physical sexual predation,and for equality (“Not a plea,a demand:let’s make misogyny history”,April 10-11). Who can forget that appalling picture of Tony Abbott speaking outside federal parliament with Sophie Mirabella and Bronwyn Bishop close by,as “Ditch the Witch” and other crude signs were hoisted behind them? Who can forget her shocking treatment by the likes of Alan Jones? A measure of our former PM’s stature,determination to press for justice,and forgiveness for these depravities,is that there is no self-pitying about her own maltreatment. She has helped pave the way for Grace Tame,Brittany Higgins and women’s rights.Ron Sinclair,Bathurst

The World Economic Forum now rates Australia 50th on gender equity and it’s not hard to see why. Australian women have put up with shameful treatment by men far too long,and we need a leader to make “demonstrable” changes for all women. We do after all make up 50 per cent of this country. “We come in anger and we demand action” for all women to be treated as equals and with respect. Well said,Julia Gillard.Susan Maxwell,Nelson Bay

Thank you,Julia Gillard,for your women’s action plan. The goal of being in the top 10 in the world in terms of gender equality by 2030 is doable if we maintain the pressure on governments and the proposals for parliamentary reform – including party gender equality,a code of conduct and processes for reporting bad behaviour – are eminently sensible. The sticking point is maintaining our rage,so that women’s rights get the attention they deserve.Andrew Macintosh,Cromer

Julia Gillard writes that in the last couple of months she has been approached by men who want to help but are not sure how. Seriously? We men are the problem. Taking a good long look at ourselves and changing our attitudes and behaviour might be something useful we can do. Better still,if you wear a blue tie in Canberra,coming out of the dark ages,showing leadership and enacting meaningful legislation instead of muttering platitudes from the sidelines and hiding behind office doors might even show some sincerity. Misogyny cannot be just a women’s problem.Steve Fortey,Avoca Beach

Illustration:Matt Golding

Illustration:Matt GoldingCredit:

Julia Gillard inspires again. The groundswell is significant as others have been,but it needs immediate sustenance and astute leadership. People will listen to Gillard and they will listen to Julie Bishop;please join hands and lead our community. Invite women with similar qualities to be active in planning and support:Penny Wong,Kristina Keneally,Tanya Plibersek,Karen Andrews,Jane Hume and Sussan Ley,for example. Invite Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins;crowdfund and employ them. Inspire,don’t stultify. We need your leadership now. The cause is worthy,the time is right.Ian Sinclair,Wagga Wagga

Rather than “becoming reluctant to employ women for fear of litigation” as correspondent Sue Wilson suggests,businesses might instead stop employing bullies,harassers and misogynists (Letters,April 10-11). They’ll not only avoid litigation but probably end up with a more productive and harmonious workplace to boot.Ken McGuinness,Illawong

Memories of Philip:sailor,family man,lovable rogue

In 1972,the Queen visited University of New England and had lunch at Robb College (“Queen’s ‘strength’:Philip dies at 99”,April 10-11). Students lined the path,drinking beer in shorts and thongs. The Prince was two metres behind the Queen when I said,“hey,Phil,would you like a beer?” He strolled over to me and replied:“I would love a beer but,you know,protocol and all that.” He was not as pompous as he looked. A regular guy,in fact.Charlie Horder,Narraweena


Prince Philip’s death transported me back 47 years ago,when I was travelling and working around Australia. The term backpacker hadn’t been invented;we were just hippies. In October 1973,I was a waitress in Alice Springs. Prior to joining the Queen for the opening of the Opera House,Prince Philip made a private visit to the Red Centre. He went straight from the airport to the magnificent Ormiston Gorge on a camping trip. Afterwards,the local press stated that “only the dingoes had disturbed his sleep”. And that he had enjoyed his privacy. You bet. Then in March 1974,I was a housemaid at the now-defunct Hotel Darwin. Prince Philip came to Darwin to open the community college,now Darwin University. A co-worker girl from London took a sickie to cheer Prince Philip and Lord Mountbatten when they took a stroll on the main street on the way out of the Sunday church service. They both looked dashing in their white uniforms. The following day,she took another sickie to keep an eye on the Britannia mooring. Prince Philip hosted a party on the ship. RIP Prince Philip. The vibrant colours of the Northern Territory are with you forever.Genevieve Thibaux,Double Bay

In 1945,I was a signalman aboard the corvette HMAS Pirie. We were attached to the British Pacific Fleet. Among our duties was one to deliver mail to the Battle Fleet. I still cherish the possibility that we carried letters from Princess Elizabeth to Lieutenant Phillip Mountbatten serving aboard the British destroyer HMS Whelp.Ron Vickress,Armidale

My enduring memory of Prince Philip is him walking behind Princess Diana’s coffin,supporting William and Harry — an image that encapsulated his love of family,his sense of duty and his willingness to put others ahead of himself.Philip Cooney,Wentworth Falls

Vale “Phil The Greek”,who will always have this Australian republican’s respect for telling it like it is after,following the November 1999 referendum on the republic,being reported to have said of Australia’s “no” result,“don’t they know what’s good for them?”Cecilia Hannon,Bathurst

I loved his gaffes best of all,never spiteful,the sign of a mind moving faster than his mouth — they showed his humanity (“Underneath the gaffes,the duke ran deep”,April 10-11).Nicholas Triggs,Katoomba

Urban sprawl never meant to be

As the last surviving member of the Campbelltown Council that enthusiastically embraced the Three Cities Plan for Macarthur,I can assure Elizabeth Farrelly that the horror story depicted by her was never on our minds (“Sydney’s hamlet tragedy:urban sprawl conquers all”,April 10-11). It was presented to the council on the basis that we would be involved in the planning and development of the cities of the future that would provide an opportunity for residents to enjoy the best of modern living. The picture outlined by Farrelly is a return to the past in the development of slums. It has turned out the rights for the planning and development of these areas have been purchased by the developers and councils are left to try to make the unbearable liveable. Not only are the residents sentenced to a lifetime of car travel,they are being forced to pay for this dubious right with huge tolls (developers are not responsible for developing public transport policy). The council of the day was delighted by the idea that the city of Campbelltown would be guarded by the open space areas of the Scenic Hills to the west and the Georges River bushlands to the east,where our koala population had lived since the days of our First Nations people. This is now to be replaced by a walkway of metal roofs that are so close together you will be able to walk to Appin without touching the ground as you step from roof to roof.Frank Ward,Shoal Bay

Farrelly writes evocatively about the imminent loss of the earliest colonial farming landscapes between Campbelltown and Appin. Three things should happen to prevent the loss. Firstly,the state government should stop showing subservience to big developers. Secondly,local councils should stop behaving like rent-seeking feudal landlords. Thirdly,big developers should be mindful of their social licence,and in the spirit of philanthropy,pledge more land to protect nature and open space. Then we could re-imagine the future of those places,and design walking pathways for people and koalas.Sharyn Cullis,Oatley

We who live in Campbelltown are devastated at what is happening in our region as everything we hold dear is taken from us:our heritage and environment trashed for the almighty dollar.

Since koalas were first rediscovered here in 1986,we have turned them into our friends,checking on their health and welfare. But once development and roads devour their habitat and wildlife corridors between Mount Gilead and Wilton are gone,we are sure they will become trapped behind fences and become sick. How can our children have pride in their area when it is one endless sea of concrete,and excessive heat and air pollution take away the cooling breezes that our open paddocks and bushland provide.Patricia Durman,Wedderburn

Now they tell us

As a person nearing 71,I was happy to get the AstraZeneca vaccine until now (“Millions to wait longer despite new Pfizer deal”,April 10-11). Now I’m utterly confused as to how the physiology of those under 50 relevantly differs so substantially from those over 50,and why,despite the ostensibly rare prospect of a deadly side-effect from the vaccine but given the generally inconclusive medical views,might not the Pfizer vaccine be the safest option for everyone.Fred Jansohn,Rose Bay

For sale — small decorative bottles (containing unused vaccine) suitable for use as lovely garden wind chimes or insulation in handmade homes. Could be re-purposed as kitchen herb containers. Unlimited possibilities. Excellent prices. Don’t ask.Dorin Suciu,Eleebana

Give purchaser comfort

A purchaser in an unfortunate position has to complete a purchase in the Magnolia building because an occupation certificate has issued,notwithstanding alleged major defects (“Commissioner unable to solve defect debacle”,April 10-11). This situation demonstrates there is a fault in the legislation and it’s time for urgent government intervention. Give the Building Commissioner power to suspend completion of purchases off the plan where he finds there are major defects,even though the building certificate has issued. This is likely to be in a limited number of cases. Settlement should be delayed,at no cost to the purchaser,until the suspension is lifted.Geoffrey Williamson,Woollahra

Protect vulnerable families

The wider public needs to understand the horrors of how some women and children are treated by the Family Law system (“The family we failed”,April 10-11). This terrible story and the Coroner’s summary may go some way towards such understanding but when even the women’s March4Justice doesn’t mention the plight of these women,we haven’t advanced much. Is the Family Law system going to make an effort to change? How? Who will make it happen?Ariel Johnson,Elizabeth Beach

Cross about the bridge

Obfuscation about the Harbour Bridge bike ramp (“Riders step up” April 10-11) exemplifies everything wrong with this current state government. When it does announce its preferred option,it will probably be unpopular,will involve purchasing land at 10 times its market value and work will be carried out by a party donor. If the proposal involves destruction of heritage and endangered species,the Nationals will be on board. The proposal may involve moving the bridge to a marginal seat,will be funded from bushfire relief funds and the announced cost will be one-third of the actual cost. The NSW public don’t want spin,they just want straight answers.Neil Reckord,Kalaru

Swapping sides

A man associated with the fossil fuel industry for decades is appointed head of the Climate Change Authority and the government still expects us to believe that they’re taking the fight against climate change seriously (“Fossil interests fuel criticism over board role at climate body”,April 10-11).Alan Morris,Eastlakes

All write for him

Philip Roth:The Biographysounds great,but it’s more than 900 pages long and for this level of commitment,I can reread at least two of his novels (“Roth,flawed as he is,doesn’t deserve the dustbin”,April 10-11).Leticia Tarabay,Petersham

Double dilemmas

Correspondent Graham Lum forgot Woop Woop,commonly known when I was growing up (Letters,April 10-11).Glenys Quirk,Forster

I’m surprised you missed Wangi Wangi.George Manojlovic,Mangerton

I’d like to be able to add Wee Waa to the list but it misses out by one vowel. But the north-west of NSW does offer another:Mogil Mogil. This may not be audibly recognised as repetitive,for when spoken,the second “il” is stressed.Harry Bell,Bowral

Cloud-cuckoo land

Hold your kangaroos and emus there,Steve Johnson (Letters,April 10-11). My off-Broadway musicalWhat a Bourke! has the roots of Australia’s love affair with property ownership in all its glorious tragedy for generations,from terra nullius right up to today’s house price insanity,as well as history from the founding finders,the early governors and the likes of the Macarthurs and W C Wentworth,who went head to head with the best the British could export. Ain’t history wonderful.John Kingsmill,Fairlight

Leafing through my old LPs on the weekend I was shocked to discover that a musical had already been written about the Morrison government’s COVID adventures:Promises Promises. Scott Morrison’s a pretty good singer too.Alan Egan,Paddington (QLD)

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday
Prince Philip was known for quips and gaffes. Here are some of the most memorable
FromSir Rex:″⁣I’m not a monarchist but I had a soft spot for the Duke. He was the anti-royal royal. He’ll be missed. It’s easy to forget that this is the end of a very,very long love story. It’s an amazing amount of time to be married and maintain a relationship. I’ve no doubt Queen Elizabeth will be privately devastated″⁣.

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