Four per cent has been wiped off the value of the US equity market this week as nervousness about inflation is rising.

Four per cent has been wiped off the value of the US equity market this week as nervousness about inflation is rising.Credit:NYSE

The figures were always expected to be high,as will be the readings over the next few months,given that the “base” for the calculation was in the midst of the savage downturn in activity in March/April last year.

But what disturbed economists was an 0.8 per cent increase between March this year and April,the biggest monthly increase in 40 years -- multiples of what forecasters anticipated and a clear sign that inflation is,at least for the moment,accelerating.

The sharemarket response means 4 per cent has been wiped off the value of the US equity market this week,with Nasdaq suffering a fall of more than 5 per cent. Investors were nervous in the lead-up to the CPI release because of the implications for interest rates of an higher-than-expected outcome.

The April data is,of course,only one data point. The US Federal Reserve Board,which flagged a spike in inflation this year as the US economy recovers and the “base effects” still exaggerate the extent of the CPI rises,has consistently predicted the surge will be “transitory.”

Even relatively modest increases in interest rates in the US or Europe could cause bond and equity prices to crash.

The extent to which the April number came in above expectations has raised the question of whether the starting point for that transition is too high,and whether the Fed’s revised policy of targeting average inflation of about 2 per cent while tolerating “moderately ” higher levels for “some time” will allow the inflation genie to escape the bottle.

There are a lot of individual factors that flow into CPI outcomes but,at a macro level,the US economy – and other economies experiencing similarly strong post-pandemic bounce-backs – is experiencing a mismatch of demand and supply.


Demand,helped by the re-opening of the economy and enormous levels of monetary and fiscal support,is powering back even as the supply-side has been hit by soaring commodity prices,supply chain bottle necks and the trade and security frictions with China.

With a lot of money on the sidelines – as has been the case here,US consumers have saved more and paid down their credit card debts during the pandemic – there is more latent demand even as companies are being pressured by the increased costs of raw materials and the intermediate products in their supply chains.

The companies are also reporting,curiously,-- given the US unemployment rate of 6.1 per cent --rising labour shortages and increasing wages.

Changes to supply chains

That’s why there is a strong view that rather than the spike in the CPI being fleeting and the numbers normalising from mid-year it will probably take until the end of the year to get a clean reading on US inflation.

That pre-supposes,of course,that the US economy that emerges in the post-pandemic environment is very similar to the one that existed in pre-pandemic times.

Changes to supply chains and health systems driven by the vulnerabilities exposed by the virus,as well as part of the drive to decouple the US economy from China’s,will themselves entail higher costs.

The unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus and the ambitious plans of the Biden administration have seen and will see many more trillions of dollars injected into the economy and consumers’ and companies’ bank accounts.

Add the forced embrace of technology during the lockouts and social distancing last year and it is probable that for the US and other economies post-pandemic 2022 will look very different to pre-pandemic 2019 and nothing like last year,which is when the Fed developed its new “average inflation targeting” policy.

After more than a decade of fearing deflation and overseeing unprecedented monetary policies designed to avoid it – negligible to negative interest rates and massive purchases of bonds and mortgages in the US,Europe and Japan – it might appear odd that markets and observers are concerned about an outbreak of inflation.

They are concerned that the Fed,with its new more inflation-tolerant policy and an internal conviction that US rates won’t have to rise until 2024,will underestimate the structural component of rising prices and allow inflation to break out to the point where it will force a belated and heavy-handed response. Central banks aren’t renowned for their finesse.


The markets are worried because the inflated price levels for shares and bonds have been built on the assumption/conviction that central banks would keep rates at current levels almost in perpetuity.

Even relatively modest increases in interest rates in the US or Europe (where the European Commission has just upgraded its expectations of growth for this year and next significantly) could cause bond and equity prices to crash.

It is quite conceivable that the Fed’s outlook for inflation and rates will be borne out,and the inflationary pressures revealed in the April CPI numbers will be transient.

It could be that the explanation for the size of the increase in the CPI lies in sluggishness among US companies to respond to the surges and shifts in the patterns of demand and that,given a few more months to sort out their supply chains,there’ll be a more balanced relationships between supply and demand.

It is also conceivable that the Fed will respond in a timely way to any sign of inflation becoming entrenched above its 2 per cent target level.

As former Fed chair (and now US Treasury Secretary) Janet Yellen said a week ago,the Fed can always raise rates if it looks like the Biden spending splurge is starting to overheat the economy.

She subsequently,however,had to walk back those comments – saying she wasn’t predicting or recommending rate rises – after her initial statements rattled financial markets despite being statements of the obvious.

That episode highlights the acute sensitivity of the inflation outcomes in the US this year,which will reveal whether the surge in inflation is transitory or something else.

The April CPI raises the odds that the Fed may be forced to respond earlier – or at least canvass the prospect earlier -- than it expects. That could happen if it looks like there is a material structural element to the numbers that flow later this year,knowing that any shift,however modest,in the central bank’s current rather complacent stance risks blowing up financial markets.

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