The man behind a report into payments to subcontractors has decried new legislation he says misses the mark.Credit:Louie Douvis
In response to questions from upper house Liberal MP Steve Thomas on Tuesday,Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan said there were about 100 incomplete homes impacted by Pindan’s move into voluntary administration.
She said it was estimated the maximum number of claims from the home indemnity reinsurance account would be about $10 million.
Ms MacTiernan said Pindan had paid just $501,000 in premiums into the account over the past 12 months.
Subbies payments bill not good enough
Pindan’s collapse has shocked both customers and subcontractors.
The company owes more than $70 million to creditors,with much of that owed to hundreds of subcontractors who are scratching their heads over whether their next invoice will be paid.
Proposed laws reintroduced to Parliament this week aimed at protecting subcontractors have failed to hit the mark with the author of a 2018 national report into security of payments.