On the 20th floor of the Skyscraper Centre,PwC’s glass-and-steel headquarters in Southbank overlooking the Yarra,25 to 30 consultants from PwC and Aurecon worked on Operation Halo’s design and economic feasibility. Each was required to sign a non-disclosure agreement barring them from discussing their work with anyone outside the project team,including their bosses. They worked in designated offices on the partners’ floor,separate from the main open-floor office area for six months,on a part-time basis. No documents were to leave the locked rooms.
Corey Hannett,director-general of the Major Transport Infrastructure Authority,was brought in to provide additional engineering and design advice,but he too was required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. This had the effect of concealing the project from the person he was supposed to report to:departmental secretary Richard Bolt.
Bolt,who declined to be interviewed for this story,and the state’s head of transport,Gillian Miles,both left the newly-named department shortly after the Suburban Rail Loop helped re-elect the Andrews government.

Richard Bolt in 2016.Credit:Eddie Jim
In an interview withThe Age,Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan said measures taken to keep the rail loop project secret were in line with normal Cabinet procedures. Any leaks would have raised the risk of land speculation.
“This project was developed in the usual way that respected Cabinet confidentiality,"Allan said.
Politics first
Normally,the sprawling super-department of Economic Development,Jobs,Transport and Resources,then run by Bolt,is where a government would turn for apolitical,expert advice on rail construction and urban development and a cost-benefit analysis of what a project like the Suburban Rail Loop might bring.
But documents obtained by the Opposition under freedom of information show the first mention of the project in Development Victoria board correspondence was the morning of the announcement,when a phone hookup was hastily organised under the title “Suburban Rail Loop Collateral”.
Development Victoria directors who dialled into the meeting describe a mixture of bemusement and angst as MacKenzie explained why they had been kept in the dark. One board member said it was clear from the discussion that support for the rail loop had come from “on high”. Everyone understood that MacKenzie,the chair of union-friendly law firm Slater and Gordon and the Victorian Fund Management Corporation responsible for $69.4 billion in public sector assets,had a direct line to the Premier.
Even inside the Andrews government,information about what was being cooked up in the PwC tower was known to only a handful of ministers. Tim Pallas and Gavin Jennings,Daniel Andrews’ Special Minister for State who managed the government’s relationship with senior public servants,were the first to be told. Then the Premier,then Major Projects Minister Jacinta Allan and finally,Deputy Premier James Merlino were briefed.

Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan,Deputy Premier James Merlino and Treasurer Tim Pallas.Credit:Scott McNaughton
Not by coincidence,this gang of five also formed Labor’s Policy Group responsible for developing the policy basis of its campaign for re-election the following year.
From the moment the Suburban Rail Loop was embraced by this group,it was treated as an election promise first and government policy second. This is the justification cited by senior government sources for using consultants and Development Victoria,rather than Bolt’s department,to plan it.
But keeping a $50 billion project a secret required extraordinary steps. Annual reports reveal that government money to pay for consultancy work was funnelled from the Department of Premier and Cabinet to Development Victoria,with the contracts personally signed by thenDepartment of Premier and Cabinet secretary Chris Eccles. Evidence of these payments appear in the Development Victoria annual reports as a $1.36 million payment from DPC in 2017-2018 for a “civic infrastructure project” and a further $2 million for “project cost recovery” the following year.
Eccles put bureaucratic responsibility for the project in the hands ofSimon Phemister,a fast-rising deputy secretary within DPC. After Bolt left in 2018,Phemister — a protege of Eccles who developed a close relationship with the Premier’s key staffers — was given his job. Hannett,the head of the agency overseeing the Metro Tunnel and West Gate Tunnel projects,was the government’s leading expert on tunnels and the most senior transport bureaucrat brought into the project. Hannett reported directly to Allan.
But within the gang of five ministers,a turf war was brewing.
Transport v urban development
Multiple sources close to the government said Jennings,as the Minister for Priority Precincts,was sold on the conception of Operation Halo as an urban development project that would stimulate the growth of suburban hubs and believed the project came under his portfolio.
But Jacinta Allan,then-minister responsible for major projects and public transport,saw the SRL as essentially a transport project firmly within her realm,according to the sources.
Jenningsabruptly quit the government in March 2020. He has never spoken about what made him quit,and he declined to be interviewed for this story. Allan was immediately handed Jennings’ precincts portfolio and two months later was given the newly created role of Suburban Rail Loop Minister. Allan would not be drawn on the alleged rift between the ministers in questions fromThe Age.

Gavin Jennings.Credit:Darrian Traynor
The two competing conceptions of the rail loop played out in multiple name changes for the project. In 2017,Halo first became the Urban Development Program,reflecting its more ambitious,city-building goals. This was subsequently changed to simply Orbital Rail. In early 2018 the government settled on Suburban Rail Loop. The debates were also played out in questions over where it would run,where it would stop and when it would be built.
Initial plans drawn up by consultants were for a continuous loop and possibly,several — a highly interconnected rail network modelled on those in other world capitals,with multiple cross-city options at stations that also served as centres for shops and high density apartments.
The route needed to be carefully chosen and the implications for local planning and development considered. This would require time,patience and,once the project went live,extensive community and stakeholder consultation. Construction could not reasonably start until 2026.
In August 2018,Premier Andrews made the call. It would be a single rail line,its alignment set,and its construction to begin in 2022.
A consultant who worked on Operation Halo questioned what Victoria had been left with:“Is it a precinct project or a transport project? Because,if it is a transport project,there are a hell of a lot of better ways to spend your money.”
Meanwhile,most of those who advocated for the Loop in secret have consolidated their influence. MacKenzie was handpicked to chair the authority established to build the project. In 2020,he brought Considine in as interim chief executive of the authority,which has since hired seven former Andrews government ministerial advisers or DPC staffers.
Considine has since left the Suburban Rail Loop Authority to become a partner at Sayers’ consulting firm. Industry sources say the firm is bidding for work on the project,but when contacted byThe Age,Sayers said he was unable to comment on client-related matters and the government said the firm was not a prospective contractor.
In June this year,Considine was appointed to the board of Victorian Funds Management Corporation,chaired by MacKenzie. That same month,MacKenzie was appointed as co-chair of a separate board overseeing the redevelopment of the Melbourne arts precinct.
Growing scepticism
If the Suburban Rail Loop delivers what it was originally designed to do — and what the launch-day brochure claimed — it will be a transformative project that makes it easier for people to live,work and commute in the city.
Changing the city’s 19th century spoke-and-wheel rail system by building an orbital link would reduce cross-city train commutes,as people would no longer need to travel into the city to get around it. It would be a circuit breaker for decades of car-oriented transport planning in Melbourne,freeing up congested freeways with desperately needed railway stations finally built in Doncaster,Burwood and the Monash University Clayton campus,where buses are bursting at the seams.
Allan says the loop delivers the calls of Plan Melbourne to respond to forecast population growth by boosting density in the suburbs and creating better public transport links that ease the pressure on constrained roads.
“The radial rail network was not going to deliver the public transport network that was needed for a city that was going to be the size of London by the late 2050s. We needed a game changer,” Allan said.
“Plan Melbourne’s aspiration is to have a city of centres and that’s what the Suburban Rail Loop realises.”
This vision captured the hearts and minds of voters in 2018,with an average primary vote swing of 6.3 per cent to the ALP in the 11 electorates where stations were promised,compared with a 4.75 per cent statewide average. Of the eight seats Labor picked up at the 2018 election,three — Box Hill,Burwood and Mount Waverley — were electorates where new stations were planned.
While the policy’s political success is difficult to quantify with precision,strategists from both sides say the pitch had broad appeal to voters wanting better transport,and fitted with Andrews’ image as a can-do premier.
But if the rail loop is as compromised as Labor insiders and transport and some planning experts fear,it could end up as an underused rail line that starts at Southland and ends abruptly at Box Hill. If this happens,it may well share the fate of its ill-conceived predecessor,the Outer Rail Circle,built for Marvellous Melbourne in the 1890s. That train line failed to attract customers and shut three years after opening. Its remnants can still be found in the wilds of Kew.
Now,three years after it committed to the project,the government is preparing to release an 800-page investment case,which will reveal the cost of building the first stage — a 26-kilometre tunnel through the south-east and eastern suburbs — and detailed transport and financial modelling.
Some transport experts argue that,for a fraction of the cost,orbital buses or light rail could be prioritised over underground rail,making it possible to build multiple loops rather than just one. They question how an underground rail line through the suburbs could be deemed financially viable,given the city’s low densities and relatively low public transport use.
RMIT’s Jago Dodson says city-shaping transport plans require years of analysis,discussion and consultation of the kind the Suburban Rail Loop did not get.
“It’s very difficult to think of a comparable example of a project of this scale that has been announced with virtually no public discussion,no analysis,no preliminary deliberations or planning documentation,” Dodson said. “What level of demand will there be for the Suburban Rail Loop? That’s a pretty fundamental question.”

An artist's impression depicting stage one of the Victorian government's proposed Suburban Rail Loop.
In bypassing the state’s transport department or Infrastructure Victoria — an independent advisory set up by Premier Andrews to depoliticise infrastructure building — the government cut out of the loop those who could help answer these questions,and abandoned the usual bureaucratic checks and balances.
It’s the sort of criticism levelled recently at the Morrison government’s controversial commuter car parking program.
The Grattan Institute’s cities and transport director Marion Terrill says these two projects reflect a growing tendency to rush out mega-projects at election time,leading to rash decisions and cost blowouts. One third of the country’s mega projects that were announced without proper planning account for three-quarters of all project cost overruns,Terrill’s research shows. “Whose job is it to say actually there’s a better way to do this,or a cheaper way?” Terrill asks of the rail loop. “It’s got to be someone’s job.”
But Terry Moran says splashing cash on projects before an election is the reality of modern politics.
“The only way to get things done is to get the government to commit themselves to spending the money and the only way to do that often is taking something into an election,” Moran said. ”If the government is re-elected,it can say it has legitimate political support to proceed.”
But there are costs. The Suburban Rail Loop risks overshadowing projects outlined in 30-year transport plans,including the construction of an underground rail line connecting Newport with Clifton Hill via Fishermans Bend,the long-awaited Rowville rail line,and electrification of tracks to the fast-growing western suburbs.
A government insider with knowledge of the project said that even before it was announced,the Andrews government’s infrastructure project pipeline was too large and ambitious for the construction industry’s capacity to deliver.
“We were over-cooking the books as it was. There is no way we should have been trying to get away all these projects simultaneously. There were too many of them and the construction industry was ripping us off unmercifully.”
There is growing scepticism,within government and outside,that the Suburban Rail Loop will ever be built. A project completion date of 2050 means future Victorian premiers will have the task of building the largest section of Andrews’ rail line — possibly more than 60 kilometres — while juggling construction projects of their own.
If the 2018 election promise slips through the cracks,all that will be left is a glossy brochure,a slick video and an epic soundtrack in our ears.