AJ Clementine,25,delayed gender transition treatment as a teenager because of the legal barriers.

AJ Clementine,25,delayed gender transition treatment as a teenager because of the legal barriers.Credit:Chris Hopkins

But the statement suggests a shift in the college’s position that goes to the heart of the debate about transgender treatment,because it moves away from endorsing a “gender-affirmative approach”,particularly for young people.

College president,Associate Professor Vinay Lakra,says the intention was “not to put barriers in place” for trans people but to practise evidence-based medicine.

“Without that we run the risk of approaching an issue without due diligence,” Lakra says.

The position statement,titled “Recognising and addressing the mental health needs of people experiencing gender dysphoria/gender incongruence”,says care should be patient-centred and non-judgmental. However,it also acknowledges “multiple perspectives and views” about whether a gender-affirmative approach is appropriate for children and teenagers and highlights the lack of research on the long-term outcomes.

The document defines a “gender-affirmative approach” as one that accepts rather than questions a child’s statements about their gender identity,potentially easing access to medical treatment such as puberty blockers and hormones with parental permission.

This is the college’s first position statement specifically on gender dysphoria but it partly replaces a 2016 position statement on the mental health needs of LGBTQI people,which more strongly endorsed gender affirmation for young people. The previous position statement pointed to international guidelines endorsing puberty blockers for eligible adolescents and said evidence suggested good outcomes from this approach.


At that time,Australia was the only country in the world where authorisation was needed from the Family Court for children and teenagers to access hormone treatment. This was the situation when AJ Clementine,model and author of new bookGirl,Transcending,was a teenager.

AJ Clementine,a trans woman and model,says a mental health assessment is an important part of the process for gender affirmation.

AJ Clementine,a trans woman and model,says a mental health assessment is an important part of the process for gender affirmation.Credit:Chris Hopkins

Clementine,25,from Melbourne,says she always believed herself to be a girl,and her mother was supportive,but the prospect of going to court was too offputting. At 16,she was yet to go through puberty and naively thought it wouldn’t be that bad.

“I didn’t want to go through that process because the whole notion of court and needing someone else’s approval to get something I needed just felt really scary,so I just thought I’d wait it out,” she says.

“If I could go back in time then I would definitely transition before puberty,just because a lot of the effects and a lot of the struggle and my trauma has come from having to go through male puberty … it was torture.”

Subsequent legal decisions mean children and teenagers can generally access puberty blockers and sex hormones without the court’s involvement,if their parents and medical team agree. Equality Australia’s legal director,Ghassan Kassisieh,says the law varies across Australia around whether children have medical decision-making capacity at a set age or through a gradual process of maturation,but state laws will interact with a precedent set in theRe Imogen case in the Family Court in NSW last year.


The court ruled a 16-year-old transgender girl,given the pseudonym Imogen,should be given access to oestrogen treatment to aid in her physical feminisation,treatment to which her father agreed but her mother did not. While a win for Imogen,the broader effect of the judgment was to clarify that the court would always need to be involved when there was disagreement between the parents or the treating medical team when the patient is under 18. “It did put barriers in place,” says Kassisieh.

The position statement comes at a time when treatment for transgender young people is more politicised than ever,with much of the debate framed by Britain’s Tavistock scandal. In 2018-2019,psychiatrist David Bell blew the whistle on the Gender Identity Development Service,a clinic at the Tavistock and Portman NHS foundation trust in north London. His concerns included that the clinic employed too many inexperienced psychologists and that staff minimised the complexity of gender dysphoria by prescribing puberty blockers in cases they described as “straightforward”,children being recommended for treatment after only two appointments and followed up poorly,and that children appeared to be giving rehearsed answers to access puberty blockers.

There was then a case brought against Tavistock by a young woman,Keira Bell (reportedly no relation to David Bell),who began puberty-blocking treatment as a teenager before later regretting it. Born a girl but at the time identifying as a boy,Keira Bell’s treatment left her without breasts,with facial and body hair,a deepened voice and probably infertile.

RANZCP president Vinay Lakra said it was important for psychiatrists to undertake due diligence when treating people with gender dysphoria.

RANZCP president Vinay Lakra said it was important for psychiatrists to undertake due diligence when treating people with gender dysphoria.

In a landmark ruling on theBell v Tavistock case in 2020,Britain’s High Court found children under the age of 16 considering gender reassignment were unlikely to be mature enough to give informed consent to be prescribed puberty-blocking drugs. However in September 2021 the Court of Appeal overturned the decision and said it had been “inappropriate” for the High Court to issue the guidance.

While the Tavistock revelations and court case have been a huge talking point in Australia,Kassisieh says their import is overstated because the case never had any legal bearing here.

However,the position statement was published a month before the appeal decision and lists the now-overturned 2020 judgment in its references as evidence for the need to provide patients and families with full information.

Lakra says the college decided the position statement was needed when reviewing its policy on supporting the mental health needs of LGBTIQ+ people,in part because of the “polarising views” within the wider community.

“Some people are obviously for and some people are against and some people somewhere in the middle,” Lakra says. “It’s an issue that generates a degree of community interest.”

The updated position statement reports an increase in the number of people seeking help for gender identity issues worldwide,especially among teenagers who were assigned female at birth,and notes gender dysphoria often occurs alongside autism.

The policy notes the evidence from theWorld Professional Association for Transgender Health standards of care that a gender-affirmative approach can help children and adolescents,but also highlights the “paucity of quality evidence” on outcomes for people with gender dysphoria.

The document instead emphasises the need for comprehensive assessment to “explore the patient’s gender identity,the context in which this has arisen,other features of mental illness and a thorough assessment of personal and family history”.

Lakra says the position statement was developed by a steering group which consulted experts and also committees with community representatives with lived experience.

Jeremy Wiggins,the executive officer for Transcend Australia,which provides information,support and referral to gender-diverse young people and families,says there’s no evidence of consultation in the document itself.

“If that’s the case,I think that should be transparent,” Wiggins says. “It’s questionable the level of expertise that went into this work. I was disappointed with it.”

Wiggins points out a position statement on general psychiatric issues published a month later emphasises the need to consult people who have lived experience.

Teddy Cook,vice-president of the Australian Professional Association for Trans Health,says there was not enough consultation.

Teddy Cook,vice-president of the Australian Professional Association for Trans Health,says there was not enough consultation.

Teddy Cook,the vice-president of the Australian Professional Association for Trans Health,also says there was not enough consultation and he hoped to discuss the position statement with the college.

“I just think they could have done better and trans people deserve better,” Cook says. “I look forward to constructive consultation.”

Cook says contemporary practice was moving away from referring to “gender dysphoria” in favour of “gender incongruence”.

Gender dysphoria is clinically defined as a mental disorder under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition (DSM-5),which entails marked incongruence between a person’s experienced or expressed gender and their assigned gender,associated with clinically significant distress or impairment in functioning. Gender incongruence is defined by International Classification of Diseases 11th revision (ICD-11) as a condition related to sexual health rather than a mental disorder and may not include distress or impairment.

Until the 1970s,homosexuality was also defined as a mental illness in the DSM.

Eloise Brook,the policy and communication manager at the Gender Centre in Annandale,says psychiatrists have a “bad history and track record of gatekeeping” where trans people were forced to prove their identity to access health care,and she hoped the college was trying to signal a more trans-friendly approach.

A trans adult can access health care such as hormones from their GP. However,the Australian Standards of Care and Treatment Guidelines for trans and gender-diverse children and adolescents recommend treatment by a multidisciplinary team of health care professionals,including a mental health professional who will often be a psychiatrist. (This is the goal but not all children have access to this level of care,especially in regional areas where services are scarce.)


The need for mental health treatment is not just because of the gender dysphoria itself but because studies suggest transgender young people have higher rates of depression,anxiety,suicidal ideation and self-harm.

Clementine saw a psychologist for anxiety as a teenager,but needed to be assessed by different mental health professionals before she had gender-reassignment surgery at 22.

“I was a bit confused about why there needs to be an assessment but once I was in the whole process of it,I knew that that was important because transition is a life-altering thing,” she says.

Psychiatrist Roberto D’Angelo,the president of the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine,says the notion that psychiatrists are “gatekeepers” is outdated because it’s possible to find clinicians to write letters of referral for gender-affirming treatments without ever seeing a psychiatrist.

D’Angelo,who is formerly from Sydney and now practises in the Northern Rivers,was an expert witness in the Re Imogen case for the mother,who had concerns about gender-affirming treatment for her child.

D’Angelo says his main concern is that the research on outcomes for young people is extremely limited and clinicians should be honest about that. Patients may still decide to go ahead with treatment. “Most rigorous reviews that have been performed conclude that[the research evidence] is very weak and subject to bias,and that its conclusions are uncertain,” he says.

“It’s not an ideological position about whether people,young people should have gender-affirming treatments or not,it’s really about ‘do we know whether they work and whether the benefits are durable in the long run?’”

D’Angelo says the position statement “still hedges its bets a lot and doesn’t really give anybody any clear direction” but is an improvement because “it reflects the state of the literature and research more accurately and it also reflects the diversity of opinion within the psychiatric profession about gender dysphoria”.

There are two major studies in the pipeline that should improve the available evidence one way or another:the Australian Trans20 longitudinal cohort study and Gender identity Longitudinal Experience (GENTLE) cohort study.

Professor Ian Hickie said the RANZCP position statement on gender dysphoria was a commonsense position.

Professor Ian Hickie said the RANZCP position statement on gender dysphoria was a commonsense position.Credit:Steven Siewert

Professor Ian Hickie,co-director of health and policy at the University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre,said the position statement “supports the commonsense position”.

Hickie says children in early puberty often make a lot of statements about their identity but their view of themselves can also change quite rapidly.

Brook also says work at the Gender Centre showed not every “gender-questioning” child or teenager would ultimately decide they are trans and it was important to give them a safe space to figure this out.

“What we should be supporting is comprehensive assessment,” Hickie says. “Not a simple yes/no,not a political position but actually what is in the best interests of that person at that stage?”

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