Crypto currencies could supplant domestic currencies,the International Monetary Fund has warned.

Crypto currencies could supplant domestic currencies,the International Monetary Fund has warned.Credit:iStock

Australian crypto influencer “Crypto Bitlord” is seething. His eyes are wide. He holds an unlit cigarette to his lips and a bottle of methylated spirits in his hand.

“I’ve completely f---ing lost it mate. I tell you what,I said if I ever get liquidated I’m just going to burn the fucking house down,” the Bitlord tells his 150,000 twitter followers in a video posted on Twitter.

The short 1-minute clip shows the Perth-based man’s epic meltdown after losing a large bet on a cryptocurrency asset. Soon he begins to douse his opulently appointed ultra-modern home - which comes replete with a custom trading room - with the flammable liquid,starting with the couch,then the carpet,then himself.

“And guess what tonight’s the night boys,tonight’s the f---ing night.”Splash,splash.

“When you’re losing $350k what more can you do,yeah?”Splash,splash.

“This house is gone,this house is f---ing gawn”. He lights the match. The video cuts as the fire starts to poof and flare around the room.


Celebrity traders like Crypto Bitlord are just one type of the so-called ‘finfluencers’ that have taken social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok by storm during the COVID-19 pandemic to reshape personal finance.

Many popular finfluencers are young women who specialise in posting about savings plans for Millennials or Gen Zs. These women typically provide positive education materials that are as equally wholesome and harmless as they are legal. They advocate financial freedom from saving small amounts of money,like $50 a week.

Other finfluencers promote share trading,listing their favourite stocks to buy and encouraging their followers to buy the same shares. Their posts are often thick with juvenile memes and emojis.

But finfluencers like Crypto Bitlord,who often promote a lavish lifestyle featuring wildly expensive cars and opulent mansions by the sea,occupy a different position in the celebrity trader universe. Despite concerns among consumer advocates that young people could risk their savings by attempting to emulate their trades,crypto finfluencers are not doing anything illegal. And regulators are powerless to stop them.

Millions of retail investors,particularly in the Millennial and Gen Z demographics,have embraced day trading during the global pandemic,which has seen equity markets and crypto-currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum experience an extraordinary rally. The online influencers catering to this new breed of investor have also caught the attention of regulators.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)said in September it was undertaking a review of selected financial influencers on TikTok and other social media platforms amid concerns some were promoting illegal “pump and dump” schemes in listed shares. (Pump and dump schemes involve co-ordinated moves by groups of investors to pump up the value of a stock before the shares are dumped en masse for a profit.)


The market regulator has also warned previously that any promoters of investment products need to be licensed.

But ASIC has said nothing about crypto influencers for one simple reason - it has no powers to act against participants in the unregulated markets in which they operate.

This masthead makes no suggestion that Crypto Bitlord is doing anything illegal. He did not answer our questions about whether the fire was a stunt (he clearly switches from metho to water during the dousing) and who pays the rent on the house. His Twitter page states he is affiliated with Singaporean crypto trading house ByBit.

Against this backdrop,Australian crypto influencers are building fan bases in the hundreds of thousands by posting about the enviable lifestyles they’ve built from their trading activities and encouraging their followers to do the same.

But it’s not all innocent fun. There are many examples in Australia of crypto finfluencers promoting ultra-risky trading strategies or products and reckless behaviour. This includes promoting alternative cryptocurrency investments that have plummeted in value to asking their followers to transfer money over direct messaging services.

“Australian consumers are not protected at all when it comes to crypto. As such,when you have unlicensed finfluencers promoting crypto,it is a recipe for disaster,” says senior lecturer in finance at RMIT School of Economics and trading trends expert Angel Zhong.


“The uncertainty in the regulatory landscape of crypto is significant. We have seen in recent months that crypto exchanges and crypto investors are lobbying in Australia to have clear regulations for this space. At the moment,the only governing body for crypto-related product is AUSTRAC,which focuses on money laundering.

Zhong says crypto finfluencers can also reach consumers over private messaging services.

“They can send private messages to followers to promote products or pump and dump activities. The other area of concern is Facebook and Instagram stories that are only visible for 24 hours,which makes it more difficult for consumer protection.

Some finfluencers are using sites like OnlyFans - an internet content subscription service where content creators earn money from ‘fans’ who subscribe to their posts.

OnlyFans cryptocurrency ‘finfluencer’ Atis Paul shows off his designer duds and a firearm out the front of his Gold Coast home.

OnlyFans cryptocurrency ‘finfluencer’ Atis Paul shows off his designer duds and a firearm out the front of his Gold Coast home. Credit:Instagram

Gold Coast-based 20-year-old crypto influencer Atis Paul is a big deal on OnlyFans,where he charges $49.99 for his fans to view his crypto trading tips. He comes from a serious pedigree on the subscriber site where both his sister and girlfriend are hugely popular for their raunchy posts to their subscribers.

Paul also has a wide following on TikTok,where he displays his life of luxury,flash watches and travel to his 500,000 followers. His posts have been liked more than 24 million times. A recent video shows Paul and his mum on a yacht having a good time. An automatronic voice runs over the video:“When you make $104k on crypto in three days you take your mother on a $6 million yacht. It’s not flexing if you’re helping people in your crypto group do the same,right?”


Paul recently courted controversy after promoting Hush Coin to hundreds of thousands of followers on his Instagram stories,as revealed by the influencer focused podcast,Outspoken,run by sisters Amy,Sophie and Kate Taeuber. The Taeubers reported that Paul later bemoaned ever investing in the now largely failed asset in a since (automatically) deleted Instagram story.

Paul did not respond to questions sent byThe Age andHerald about his trading activities. And it’s not clear whether any of his followers took up any Hush Coins as the result of his posts.

We let people gamble through their phones in Australia. There is a big education piece here

Former ASIC commissioner Pamela Hanrahan

Clayton Utz senior associate JK Muckersie says it may be too simplistic for influencers operating in the crypto space to think they are not required to be covered by an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL).

“The answer is more complicated than many crypto finfluencers might appreciate or like to think,” she says.

“There is a prevailing general view that cryptocurrency is not a “financial product” as defined in the Australian corporations legislation.”


“This kind of simplistic analysis warrants caution,” Muckersie says pointing how the AFSL regime in Australia caters to entities providing financial services,including digital currency investments and particularly leveraged products like contracts for difference.

“Many consider further regulation is required given digital assets may not fit neatly within these categories,noting their changeable and constantly evolving nature.”

The federal government is considering regulating cryptocurrencies though how those laws might be designed and what they might cover is unclear.

Pamela Hanrahan is now Professor of Commercial Law at UNSW and ANU.

Pamela Hanrahan is now Professor of Commercial Law at UNSW and ANU.Credit:Wolter Peeters

Pamela Hanrahan,a Professor of Commercial Law and Regulation at UNSW Business School and a former ASIC commissioner says it’s time for the regulator and the government to have a clear view on crypto regulation.

“On the ‘is crypto regulated’ issue – I suggest they just make a call. If Bitcoin is a commodity (like gold) not a financial product (like a share),just say it. Both ASIC and the government have the power to make regulations to do just that. Then get on with it,” she says.

Hanrahan points out though that you can’t regulate away risk or stop people from engaging in reckless investing activities.

“We let people gamble through their phones in Australia. There is a big education piece here.”

“There is always a risk that if you regulate something highly speculative,then you make people think it is ‘safe’ because someone is regulating it. Might be better to hang a big bell around its neck that says,this is a bet.”

“And then concentrate on the intermediaries who are making money out of persuading you to place that bet and profiting whether you win or lose – to make sure they are not misleading anyone or running off with the money.”

One popular Australian crypto finfluencer is supportive of more oversight of the blockchain-driven currencies.

Eunice ‘Euni’ Wong’s real passion is crypto trading and female empowerment.

Eunice ‘Euni’ Wong’s real passion is crypto trading and female empowerment.Credit:Instagram

Euni Wong fits the bill for crypto influencer. The model and amateur trader has built up a huge following on Twitter by posting about her trading activities. Her Instagram feed shows all the trappings of her success,designer clothes,expensive holidays with boyfriend (registered equities) trader Assad Thanous.

But there is no promotion of a particular trading platform or product on the 33-year-old’s feeds. Instead,the keen chartist posts a commentary of her trading activity with charts demonstrating how she read her ‘signals’.

A tweet by cryptocurrency ‘finfluencer’ Eunice ‘Euni’ Wong showing the types of trading she’s interested in.

A tweet by cryptocurrency ‘finfluencer’ Eunice ‘Euni’ Wong showing the types of trading she’s interested in. Credit:Instagram

Wong tellsThe Age andHerald she does not take commissions and is ready to speak out about other players in the sector that are reckless,don’t disclose affiliations and offer products that sound a lot like financial advice.

“I think it’s fair[there be some oversight].”

“I have never accepted any fees,shares,coins and any form of payment from any company or projects,” the currently Perth-based influencer says.

“I tweet my trades because I want to share what I’m buying,open discussions and learn with other enthusiasts. I’ve met a lot of new friends all around the world!”

Wong says one of her key reasons for tweeting is to be a part of the female empowerment movement where she can show others how to obtain financial freedom through her posts about her own trading activities.

“Everything I tweet is free information,not advice - it is like sharing a new shampoo I like on Instagram with my girlfriends.

Wong touches on a key element here,one that’s driving more young people to follow cryptocurrency finfluencers -- the idea that such activity could close the gap in wealth between the young and the old.

As Hanrahan explains:“Finfluencers exist because of intergenerational and gender inequity in the financial system.”

“A young person needs to think about doing something useful with their money if they are going to live their life in a low-interest rate/high job insecurity/high relationship insecurity/high house price world.”

“That computer in our pockets gives us unlimited access to every option. But all the debate about the regulatory settings seems focused on Boomers and financial planners.”

Hanrahan says Australian needs to look at serious reform to our financial services laws to ensure ordinary people (both young and older) can get good quality and unconflicted guidance on how to live financially healthy lives.

Hanrahan says people will look to get advice when and where they need it.

“Which is unlikely to be from a financial planner.”

“ASIC should ‘encourage’ government to get on with the job of fixing the unworkable laws,instead of watching it pile on more red tape that does little other than up the cost and reduce the delivery channels.”

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