All interstate truck drivers entering Queensland must now be fully vaccinated.

All interstate truck drivers entering Queensland must now be fully vaccinated.Credit: Justin McManus

Under the changes,all cross-border truck drivers and those using the freight pass must have had one dose of a COVID vaccine by October 15 and their second dose - or a booking - by Monday,November 15.

The move came after seven truckiessparked COVID scares after bringing the virus into Queensland between late August 2020 and September this year.

Since October,five truck drivers who had spent time in the Queensland community tested positive interstate.

Freight drivers entering Queensland from anywhere in the country are also required to produce a negative COVID test result at the border and maintain a seven-day rolling test regime.

Queensland Trucking Association chief executive Gary Mahon said the reaction from drivers to mandatory vaccines was “generally not too bad” and probably similar to the broader community.

“All-in-all we think maybe we lost perhaps 5 per cent,” he said.

“Some drivers have moved on to intrastate work,some have taken an early retirement,some have an in-principle issue with mandated vaccine and some probably fall into the category of anti-vax.


“I think it was generally well-supported and we haven’t had any undue reports from the borders as of yesterday.”

However,Mr Mahon said drivers wanted changes to the seven-day rolling PCR test requirement when borders opened to fully vaccinated travellers from interstate hotspots whenQueensland hit 80 per cent,or on December 17.

“We very much want to see an approach where our drivers don’t have to continue doing the testing every seven days with a negative result,which really means you have to have a test every five days to allow the test results to come through,” he said.

“If you were a regular interstate driver,you literally would have had hundreds of tests,which is unrelenting.

“We would strongly advocate than an open border means an open border - they’re double-vaccinated.

“Police could carry rapid antigen tests if there’s some reason for them to be concerned ... like they would at an RBT.”

Transport Minister Mark Bailey said authorities were exploring the use of rapid antigen testing for truckies at Goondiwindi.

“[We] will investigate the data received from testing before rolling this out more broadly,” he said.

Mr Bailey thanked staff in the freight industry for working with border changes.

“Truckies have been magnificent by rolling up their sleeves to get the vax and we’ve seen 824 jabs administered on the job at our dedicated vax facilities at Tugun and Goondiwindi,” he said.

Since last Wednesday,8640 trucks were stopped at the Queensland border,with only 97 being turned around.


“This puts compliance at around 98.88 per cent,which is excellent to see from our freight industry,” Mr Bailey said.

Out of the 8640 heavy vehicles,68 were non-compliant with COVID-19 testing requirements,while seven drivers were not vaccinated.

On Saturday,authorities stopped 1049 trucks at the border,with nine turned around for either not having the right pass or a negative test.

The two dedicated vaccination clinics for truck drivers closed on Monday.

Mandates that essential workers must be vaccinated to cross the bordersparked protests in August,with several trucks blocking the M1 southbound on the Gold Coast,causing significant delays for motorists,as part of a “Freedom of Choice” rally.

Two interstate truck drivers werefined more than $2000 each over the action.

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