Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has told public servants where they can take their complaints.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has told public servants where they can take their complaints.Credit:Matt Dennien

Yet the CCC remains in flux,withchair Alan MacSporran leaving on Friday,his successor unknown and the government considering reforms and another inquiry into the corruption watchdog.

Two hours before Mr MacSporran’s departure,the government announced CCC Commissioner Bruce Barbour - who has previously stood in as acting Integrity Commissioner - would be acting chair for three months.

Ms Palaszczuk’s missive to state employees came after Mr Summerell broke his silence to declare his ability to act on “matters of integrity was significantly compromised and unsupported”.

Mr Summerell,who left the position in 2021,said he had been told his “contract would not be extended” aftergrappling with the issue of private emails being used for public purposes.

However,Ms Palaszczuk said Mr Summerell had appropriately outlined his concerns to the CCC before he “departed” after being “offered an extension” for his role.

She would not comment further.

“I absolutely encourage if anyone suspects any form of corruption,they should make a complaint through the[Crime and Corruption] act to the CCC,” she said.


“That is an obligation of every single public servant that works in government.”

Dr Stepanov,who will leave her post in July,complained to the CCC last year about theseizure of mobile phones and laptops,and altering of security permissions to her office by the PSC,which has budgetary authority over her agency.

In a statement confirming her resignation,Dr Stepanov said she supported calls for an independent inquiry or investigation,however Ms Palaszczuk on Friday suggested that was what the CCC was doing.

While confirming the matter was before the CCC,Ms Palaszczuk said it would “not be appropriate” for her to comment while it was under investigation.

Instead,she quoted from Dr Stepanov’s resignation letter,promoting the Premier’s high standards,and said she was confident her department would not interfere with statutory bodies.

Ms Palaszczuk dismissed calls by Opposition Leader David Crisafulli for a royal commission into systemic and cultural integrity issues and saidLabor governments were more accountable than the previous LNP administrations.

Cabinet will next week consider recommendations arising from a review of the CCC,while a parliamentary committee will review submissions on planned reforms to the Office of the Integrity Commissioner.

Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman on Friday said the government would advertise nationally for a new CCC chair. Once a candidate is identified,the government will consult,and seek the bipartisan support of,the CCC’s parliamentary oversight committee.

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