The former minister did not present any evidence beyond what had been uncovered and it remains unclear what fresh leads the Ombudsman could probe.
A spokesman for the Ombudsman said she would consider the referral once received.
Adem Somyurek in State Parliament last year.Credit:Jason South
“Should the Ombudsman receive a referral,she will determine how any investigation will be conducted and will report to Parliament in due course.”
Mr Somyurek – who was sacked from the ministry and forced to quit the Labor Party afterThe Age and60 Minutes reported last year on allegations of branch stacking – on Tuesday admitted he acted corruptly when he agreed to be part of a Labor field campaign that involved using public funds to pay party activists.
“If I was corrupt,we are all corrupt – that’s what I wanted tested at[the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission],” he said. “Everyone acting with the red shirts scheme was corrupt,including me.”
Mr Somyurek is being investigated by a joint Victorian Ombudsman and IBAC probe into allegations that public officers,including MPs,engaged in corrupt conduct while in public office by directing ministerial and electorate office staff to perform party political work during taxpayer-funded working hours.
The former Labor MP wants the joint probe expanded to investigate the red shirts rort,including what involvement,if any,the Premier had;the extent of branch stacking within the ALP;the politicisation of the public service;the Premier’s social media unit staff;and factional powerbrokers working as lobbyists.
During his public examination,Mr Somyurek repeatedly made allegations about other factions and referenced the red shirts scheme.
But he was unable to hand over evidence to substantiate his allegations when asked to do so by IBAC Commissioner Robert Redlich and counsel assisting Chris Carr.
In a statement posted on social media on Wednesday evening,Ms Vaghela described branch stacking as endemic to the Labor Party and said what happened at IBAC was “a grave injustice” and discriminatory.
“I know all about their branch stacking activities and their electorate officers being used for factional purposes,” she wrote. “If branch stacking and factional operatives working in electoral offices is corrupt,then the Socialist Left and all the other factions must be investigated.”
Ms Vaghela said the motion gave the Ombudsman and IBAC the power to expand their terms of reference to include all factions within the Labor Party.
Before the vote,Liberal leader in the upper house David Davis said the Premier “and many in his government” should be in jail.
“They stole money,they took money ... the crooked stuff happened and they should be in jail,” he said.
Opposition Leader Matthew Guy said the Victorian government was again focused on itself,and Labor was “in disarray”.
“It shows this government is doing nothing but focus on itself at a time Victorians need the government to focus on them,on their health,the ambulance crisis,the waiting list blowout,the mental health crisis,keeping our kids at school – they should be the focuses of this government.”
Ms Patten said she did not support the motion because Mr Somyurek was trying to change the terms of reference of the IBAC and Victorian Ombudsman investigation he was at the centre of.
“The IBAC and the Ombudsman are fiercely independent and I didn’t think it was appropriate that we,as a Parliament,say,‘We didn’t like the way you conducted it so we’d like you to work again.’ It’s not actually our role,” she said.
Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass investigated the red shirts saga in 2017 and tabled her report in early 2018. She said the arrangement to employ field organisers – Labor Party campaigners – as electorate officers was “wrong” and an “artifice” to secure partial payment for the campaign out of parliamentary funds.
She said it would be prudent for the party to pay back the funds – which it did – but did not recommend charges be laid.
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