Joe Daniher takes his early contender for mark of the year last Saturday.

Joe Daniher takes his early contender for mark of the year last Saturday.Credit:Jono Searle/AFL Photos/Getty Images

The cause of the teeth gnashing is that the Lions lodged documents to extend Daniher’s initial three-year contract by two more years.

The clubs say this reveals the fact the offer for Daniher to Brisbane was always planned to be a five-year deal not three. They argue that the first Daniher contract offer was three years on high dollars to make sure Essendon drew a first-round draft pick as compensation. The extra two-year deal now,it is assumed,is on lower dollars than the first three years to smooth out the total amount paid to him.


OK. But even if that is all true - although the clubs and his management unsurprisingly insist it is not - does that amount to draft tampering? The two clubs worked to the rules the AFL had in place and worked those rules to their mutual advantage.

When does a trade negotiation become collusion?

The Lions say they only offered Daniher an initial three-year deal because he had barely played for the previous two years,and they wanted to minimise their exposure. Now that he has played a full season and done a second full pre-season,they feel comfortable extending his deal.

If we accept that the Lions offered a three-year deal to make sure Essendon would get the first-round compensation pick and therefore not match their contract offer and force them to trade for the player,then all we can be sure of is they worked the salary cap and rules to their advantage.


If Essendon said,“Well,if the contract is of a size that we get a first-round compo pick that would be better than anything you could give us in a trade then we won’t match the bid”,is that not a normal part of a trade discussion? What is the best deal you can give us for Joe?

You could call it manipulation,or you could call it negotiations and working the rules.

The AFL sets the criteria for getting a first-round pick. It has never made the criteria concrete or public,but all clubs have worked on the basis that any contract offer needed to be of a minimum of a three-year deal and an annual sum of about $800,000 a year to draw a first-round draft pick.

If you set the rules clubs will work to them,and around them.

The problem in the AFL’s system is that the compensation picks to clubs for losing players is an additional pick added to the draft and so all other clubs have their draft picks pushed backwards.

There is a strong argument,that has already been pressed to the AFL,that any club that gets a free agent should lose the equivalent round draft pick as the club losing the free agent gets as compensation. So in this instance,Brisbane would have lost their first-round draft pick (which then was a late first-round pick).

Another proposal pushed for overhauling free agency compensation is that the best compensation pick a club can get for losing any player is at the end of the first round.

But manipulation comes in many guises.

Was it draft manipulation whenCarlton gave Jack Martin an enormous contract for the first years of his time at Carlton so as to scare off any other interested club from taking him before he got through to the Blues’ pre-season draft pick? Getting Martin through the pre-season draft meant they did not have to trade for him.


That was just smart use of salary-cap space. The Blues worked to the letter of the rules to gain an advantage.

What is real draft manipulation is the AFL draft points system that encourages clubs to trade good picks for bad picks and still get elite players.

Under the spurious points system,used for father-son candidates or next generation academy players,clubs are incentivised to trade a very valuable high draft pick for a handful of low picks.Under the current system the points from a bunch of bad picks add up to more than the points of one very good pick. That is illogical. It cannot be considered a smart system when you can do a deal for points that you would never do for a player.

No club would ever accept five late second-round picks for a number one,two or three draft pick or a gun player and yet clubs happily do exactly that to get points for gun father-son or academy players. The mad system encourages them to do it.

That is AFL-sanctioned draft manipulation and needs to be scrapped and the points system overhauled.

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