There are no publicly out male AFL players at the moment.

There are no publicly out male AFL players at the moment.Credit:Richard Giliberto

When it comes to players,says North Melbourne AFLW captain Emma Kearney,some clubs are more diverse and accepting than others. While the presence of women’s teams with many openly gay players may have brought some cultural change,she says not every locker room would be a comfortable place for a gay man.

“There’s a younger generation of players who are starting to become more accepting. But I think as a whole,particularly in the AFL men’s space,I don’t think there’s an environment where gay[male] players can be their true selves,” said Kearney,who came out publicly last year.

“Whether it’s fear of hate from the players,or more so fear of the discrimination they’ll face in being one of the first gay athletes,and the hate on their social media accounts as a result.”

North Melbourne captain Emma Kearney is out to the public.

North Melbourne captain Emma Kearney is out to the public.Credit:Scott MccNaughton

Take the experience of A-League player Josh Cavallo,who last October became the first active top-flight male professional footballer in the world to come out as gay. There was an outpouring of love and support for Cavallo from around the world but little more than two months later he was the target of homophobic slurs from over the fence,death threats and “hateful and hurtful messages” on social media.

It hinted at how much pressure would fall on the first AFL player to announce he was gay.


Kearney knows how much of a leap it can be to come out publicly,even in a supportive environment.

“It’s a huge weight off your shoulders. I remember hiding who my partner was. I’d always refer to my partner as a friend. Roommate. Having to hide that little bit of yourself was ... I don’t know how to describe it,” Kearney said.

“When you can start talking about your partner without fear of judgment,it’s one of the greatest feelings. That was a bit of a process for me … I’ve certainly gotten greater happiness as I’ve gotten older and become more comfortable with who I am.”

Kearney weighed her privacy against the influence her coming out might have on younger girls and women grappling with their sexuality.

“Before that[coming out],my family and friends knew. Teammates knew. But I wasn’t comfortable having the whole world know. I didn’t feel like it was their business. But for me,it was more a matter of,if I come out,this is the impact I potentially can have,” she said.

“But it’s amplified even more as a male footballer when there’s more media attention,more social media,more followers,all that sort of stuff. Potentially,they would think it’s actually not worth it.”

Conversations with four AFL club chief executives,three heads of football and more than 10 players from different age groups revealed a consensus:none was aware of one male AFL footballer who was openly gay.

It is quite possible that there are gay male players who are happy and accepted by their clubs,but not prepared to share their sexuality publicly.

As one player said to another last week:“The first gay AFL footballer will make a lot of money,but would it be worth it with all that pressure?”US fashion brand Ralph Lauren was among the new sponsors that flocked to Cavallo after his announcement.

Geelong captain Joel Selwood recently said he would be “proud” to see a male player come out,and most who spoke toThe Age echoed his view that the AFL had in recent years promoted a safe and inclusive environment. “I think it would be widely accepted by all players,” Selwood said.

“I know I usually don’t like talking in those terms on behalf of everyone,because I don’t think you should,but,especially from myself,I think it would be accepted,and I really encourage individuals to come out and have that safety blanket.”

A senior figure in the AFL industry,who is not a player and did not wish to be identified, said he didn’t feel it necessary to come out in a public forum as he didn’t want his sexuality to define his contribution to the game. Nor did he want to be a target for homophobic remarks.

ABC broadcaster Corbin Middlemas,who came out in 2018,reads Fox’s sacking of Morris as a sign of authentic change in the football landscape. “It surprised people that it was a sackable offence,” he said. “There have never been consequences for that in the past. That’s probably sharpened up a lot of people.”

Middlemas said he wasn’t shocked by the Morris tapes. “Those chat groups tend to have a heteronormative boys club mentality,” he said. “Boys in particular play up to a lad culture in that environment more than they would normally.”

Middlemas worked with Morris at Fox Cricket,gets along well with him and hopes he returns to sportscasting one day. But he says it would be unsettling for anyone to know that their sexuality was a matter for public discussion. “That part I found a little distressing,” he said. “Knowing that people are talking about your sexuality creates a level of anxiety.”

In that may be discerned the reason any gay male footballer would keep his counsel.

So,how to balance the right to self-protection against some sort of responsibility to be a beacon for others?

Jason Ball came out when playing local football in 2012. He has since been an activist for the LGBTQI community and is a former political candidate.

Jason Ball takes part in a pride march in 2013.

Jason Ball takes part in a pride march in 2013.Credit:Luis Enrique Ascui

“There’s no doubt that[an AFL footballer coming out] would help move the conversation along because people relate better to things when there is a human face behind it,” Ball said.

“That’s why I got perhaps more cut-through than others when I came out,because I was a footballer coming from within the community of football,not on behalf of the LGBTIQ community trying to assert my agenda from the outside. I was one of them.”

He said homophobia often came hand-in-hand with toxic masculinity,and this may dissuade players from coming out regardless of how inclusive their immediate circle is.

“We can see from the Tom Morris incident that this is the way that boys and men think that they need to speak in order to be accepted by each other,” Ball said.

“I think the reality is,most men don’t want to talk that way.

“The culture within male teams sport,from grassroots level all the way up to the elite,has often gone hand-in-hand with homophobic language. And that has reinforced this perception among the players that are gay that they will not be accepted by people. Even though people might be saying the right things,there is an underlying thought that people have a problem with me.”

There is also a perception that a player coming out as gay may be an unnecessary distraction,that the attention may detract from what the player and his team are trying to achieve.

“I think[that is] passive homophobia,” Ball said. “We don’t hold straight people to the same standard. We don’t tell people that they can’t bring their girlfriend to Brownlow Medal night because that’s rubbing your heterosexuality in everyone’s face.

“That’s the old school thinking of it being a distraction. It’s damaging,it is a passive homophobia and it’s an unhelpful double standard.

“There’s no doubt that there are gay players in the AFL. There would be varying levels of self acceptance among those men.”

Kearney believes it is up to sports to reform,not gay sportspeople to conform. “If you look at sport around the world,there are so many openly gay women,and yet I could probably count on my hands the number of openly gay male athletes,” she said. “That’s particularly in male-dominated sports.

“It’s the stereotypes. What is a stereotypical gay woman versus what is a stereotypical gay man? Those stereotypes have a significant impact on letting people be who they are. If you look at ballet,dancing,those sorts of pursuits,they’re deemed as more female specific,and there are more openly gay men. There’s a cultural element that plays a role.”

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