Matt Burton takes Joseph Suaalii into touch late in the game to save a try.

Matt Burton takes Joseph Suaalii into touch late in the game to save a try.Credit:Getty

When Burton launched his torpedo from just outside the 30m and watched it roll over the five-metre line,he was mobbed by his Bulldogs teammates like they had just won the grand final.

The Dogs fans celebrated loud and proud. They will back their side to get the cash next Friday in Canberra.

Barrett made a point of watching the game from the sideline,as if to remind the fans he remained the man in charge.

Addo-Carr scored an excellent 85m intercept try after latching on to a looping Sam Walker pass meant for Suaalii.

Who knows what is going on with the Roosters and their attack. They were not much better than what they dished up five days earlier when losing to the Dragons on Anzac Day. Things would be so much worse if they didn't have James Tedesco.

Attack remains the issue with Luke Keary now tasked with being the organiser,a role he must quickly grow into. After next week’s clash against the Gold Coast,things get tough for the Bondi boys.

“I haven’t found the key to put them together,and I have to find a way,” Roosters'coach Trent Robinson said.

“That’s the coach’s role. That’s the life of a footy season and a life of a coach.

“It’s happened quite a few different times[in my career]. A few years ago we were in this state and turned out attack upside down in 2018. I felt it in 2014. We just couldn’t score points. It’s not the first time I’ve felt like this. It doesn’t make it any easier. The responsibility is on me to get it right.”

Two of their three tries were dubious. Angus Crichton knocked the ball on before James Tedesco scored,and Keary fired a pass that appeared forward before Sitili Tupouniua scored late in the second half.

The club are down on confidence that they even made a mess of their captain’s challenge over a Jared Waerea-Hargreaves knock-on;replays showed he had,not once but twice.

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