More than a feeling
Just months before budget night,Ryan,a political novice,had tentatively applied to be the candidate for Kooyong after seeing an ad in this newspaper.
Ryan frames the campaign as a contest between the positivity of her volunteer army that reflected voter attitudes and a cynical Liberal Party using last century’s tactics.
“It was this dystopian vision ofJosh looking down at you from every intersection saying ‘keep Josh,keep Josh’,and then at ground level you’ve got my people singing in the rain with their nice teal T-shirts and umbrellas having the time of their life,” she says.
The independents identify key junctures in the campaign that boosted Ryan. Afront-pageHerald Sun story in early March – highlighting Ryan’s former membership of the Labor Party – increased her name recognition when many voters still didn’t know her. And the week of argy-bargy over timing and location ofa debate with Frydenberg increased her legitimacy by elevating Ryan to an equal footing with the incumbent.
The new MP said opponents “did not understand the power of what we were putting together” and underestimated her until she won. She confronted “entitlement and condescension” throughout,she says.
“I think[Frydenberg] thought he was just going to blow me away in the debate and that would be the end of the nice lady doctor,” she said.
‘Keep Josh’:billboards at Kew Junction.Credit:Penny Stephens
“He said I was ‘in bed’ with Labor and the Greens;to me that’s offensive. He repeatedly said that I lied,he called me a fake independent,he never acknowledged my gender and for most of the campaign he wouldn’t say my name. He called me ‘they’,not ‘she’ … I found that demeaning.”
But it was more than a feeling that ousted Frydenberg from office. Key to the teals’ success was a Climate 200 brains trust that Redbridge pollster Kos Samaras,who worked with the group,believes is almost unparalleled in Australian politics. It was led by Byron Fay,who represented Australia in negotiations for the Paris climate pact and worked on a Joe Biden-aligned political action committee,along with communications and analytics lead Claire Snyder and former Guardian Australian philanthropy head Susie Bayes.
A campaign behemoth
The notion of a Frydenberg-free Kooyong was fanciful when the architects of his downfall started holding Zoom meetings in the 2020 lockdowns.
Campaign director Ann Capling,a 63-year-old retired Melbourne University professor,said the Kew 3101 Facebook group was initially focused on local council issues. The lockdowns spawned a political consciousness. Together with remnants of the campaign run by independentOliver Yates at the 2019 election,the Voices for Kooyong group was formed.
Frydenberg maintains hisfull-throated criticism of Premier Daniel Andrews during lockdowns did not harm his political fortunes.
Capling disagrees:“We were all really stuck at home. We didn’t have jobs to go to. People were trying really hard in that lockdown and it was like he was just pissing on the community effort.”
This perception of Frydenberg was crystallised for Capling when a nurse from the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre entered Ryan’s campaign office. Emotional,the woman claimed she always voted Liberal but could not vote for Frydenberg because she viewed his attacks as anti-public health.
With dozens of locals,Capling helped build a campaign behemoth that Liberals acknowledge they could never match.
The Climate 200 fundconvened by Simon Holmes a Court contributed about $500,000 of the approximately $1.6 million in total donations. The fund provided central functions to campaigns in teal seats including data and advertising. There are obvious similarities to the role played by a major party head office but Samaras,who conducted research for the group,said Climate 200 operated more like anAmerican super PAC (political action committee).
Dr Monique Ryan the freshly-minted member for Kooyong.Credit:Joe Armao
The former Labor campaigner argues the group had a single-minded adherence to data unburdened by the factionalism,patronage and personality-based considerations that pervade major parties.
The Kooyong campaign rated the persuadability of each household in Kooyong and spent about $400,000 to microtarget them and put ads in front of them when they browsed YouTube,Facebook or streaming services. It identified Chinese grocery stores to display material targeting Chinese-Australians,who swung strongly against Frydenberg,booth data suggests.
“There were more data literate people than in any other campaign I’ve worked on,” Samaras says.
Frydenberg’s ground campaign was strong but no match for the independents. Ryan’s team claim to have knocked on the door of every house in Kooyong. Unlike the foot soldiers of the major parties,Ryan’s volunteers did not attempt to persuade voters. Instead,they asked what mattered to residents.
No message
The Liberals spent an estimated $2 million to $3 million on their campaign that included buying up all available advertising space,partly in a bid to deprive Ryan of opportunities to market herself.
Some Liberals questioned the purpose of plastering Frydenberg’s face on every street corner when he was so well-known. Fellow MPs complained they were unable to man booths because they claimed resources were diverted to Kooyong. However,Frydenberg,a huge fundraiser,donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the federal campaign including $200,000 in the final week.
Kew MP Tim Smith,theonly state MP within the boundaries of Kooyong, told theSunday Age andThe Sun-Herald Frydenberg was well-liked but his campaign “had no message”.
While every move in the Kooyong campaign will be pored over by political historians,it is questionable whether the colour and movement mattered very much. As in the five other seats inner-city Liberals lost to community independents,Frydenberg was pushing up against a long-term shift in voting trends and a palpable dislike for Morrison.
Scott Morrison was personally unpopular in the electorates that voted teal.Credit:Getty
A pre-electionstatistical analysis compiled for the Liberals shows Kooyong,Goldstein andHiggins would not be Liberal-held if residents voted as each seat’s demographic profile suggested they would.
More 18 to 24 year-olds live in Kooyong than in any Victorian seat. About 5000 young people voted in their first election in Kooyong,many of whom had connections with climate-focused private school prefects,who populated the mosh pit at Ryan’s election party. Importantly,Kooyong has 6000 more women registered to vote than men.
In focus groups,locals made clear their distaste for Morrison outweighed any determination to “Keep Josh”.
Party polling bore this out:before the last election,the Liberals’ primary vote was 10 per cent higher when pollsters read out Frydenberg’s name compared to when he was not named. This year,quoting his name to voters had little effect on the Liberal vote.
“They saw the choice as Morrison vs Ryan,not Frydenberg vs Ryan. Josh did not factor into their thinking,” a Liberal source said.
So what next for Frydenberg,former treasurer and prime ministerial aspirant? A source close to the 50-year-old,who spoke anonymously to detail private plans,said he would spend a number of years in the private sector. Frydenberg might return to politics when a seat opens up,a source said.
Meanwhile,he enjoyed the unusual activity last week of taking his children to school.
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