Assistant Treasurer Minister for Financial Services Stephen Jones at Parliament House in Canberra on Friday.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen
Adding superannuation to the government’s paid parental leave scheme was a pledge Labor took to the 2019 election.
When asked about the scheme in May,Prime Minister Anthony Albanese saidthe party couldn’t commit to everything it promised during the last campaign,but Labor left the door open to introducing the policy after the election. Jones said the party wants to make it happen.
“There would not be a person in our government that doesn’t want to see super on paid parental leave. We want to do it. It’s just a matter of how we find headwind to do it,” he said.
The assistant treasurer said the government needs to get a good handle on the books first,to find out what the long-term structural deficit looks like and alsowhere Labor can find potential savings that could fund other programs. Once that audit is completed,Jones said there should be a more concrete timeline for the scheme.
“Whether we’re able to do it in the first term or not,should become pretty clear by the end of the year,” he said. “I want to see it happen,I do,that’s not a promise that we will. It’s all contingent on us being able to get the budget numbers right.”