The Australian flag is a source of pride for many.Credit:Glenn Hunt
In this new land of promise we are happy to join in the chorus of the national anthem,“Australians all let us rejoice…” – a most appropriate song for a young nation. It is also heartening to know that slowly but surely,the First Nations people are finally getting their voices heard.
We are proud to salute the Australian flag;many of us display it in our homes. It is worth asking as to why we value the flag so much? The simple answer is that every human being likes to belong to a group whose members share the same values. The national flag represents to us a symbol of what we strive to be:a united and cohesive land which will fulfil all of our dreams and expectations.
As a symbol,a flag represents immense pride. One often finds that the notion of pride transforms itself into the notion of superiority and occasionally hate. Naturally,in a multicultural society such as ours,one must avoid these notions at all costs.
I have watched with great concern the rise of extreme right-wing racism in this land of ours. These groups have also resorted to displaying the Hakenkreuz – the Nazi swastika. No one would disagree that such symbols must be stamped out and I am glad our politicians have taken strong and decisive action in banning this symbol.
Yet one wonders whether simply banning this hate symbol will achieve much. I would have thought that education of such extreme groups and also our young would be the more effective answer. However,that is yet another topic.
The new laws prohibiting the use of the Nazi symbol makes an exemption for the cultural and historical significance of the swastika for the Buddhist,Hindu,Jain and other faith communities. As a person with a culturally rich Indian background that honours the swastika,I would like to allay certain misconceptions about the symbol. Far from being a hate symbol,the Indian swastika is steeped in auspiciousness,goodness and love. This wonderful symbol awakens my childhood memories.