Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has warned coercive control is a widespread problem.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has warned coercive control is a widespread problem.Credit:Eddie Jim

They also agreed to adopt more consistent measures to allow the criminal justice system to better respond to sexual assault in response to calls by former Australian of the Year Grace Tame.

Coercive control is generally recognised as an abusive pattern of behaviour which includes controlling what someone wears,limiting access to money,tracking their location,controlling whom they see,and persistent texting. It can be a precursor to physical violence.

The awareness of coercive control has grown significantly since themurder of Hannah Clarke and her three young children by her estranged husband,Rowan Baxter,in Brisbane in 2020. While Baxter had not previously been physically violent,he had subjected Clarke to escalating forms of controlling and possessive behaviour.

Clarke’s father,Lloyd,and his wife,Sue,have spearheaded a campaign to criminalise coercive control in Queensland,this week saying it was “fantastic” that the issue was being discussed at a national level because it was poorly understood.

Dreyfus said on Saturday that the tragic death of Clarke and her children was “absolutely a catalyst” for action to be taken on the development of a nationally consistent approach.

“But sadly,no one should think that the tragedy that occurred with Hannah Clarke and her children was an isolated incident and that’s,of course,why we are taking this collective action,” he said.

“It’s not,sadly,an isolated incident. We know that coercive control is a widespread problem. We know that we need to do more to recognise this problem.”


The draft national canvasses eight principles for dealing with coercive control including how to recognise it,how to listen to victim survivors who are experiencing coercive control and the importance of not assuming that abuse in family relationships is always necessarily going to involve violence.

“That’s the key to this - that coercive control involves a pattern of behaviour over time where the perpetrator is asserting dominance over the victim,” Dreyfus said.

“It’s important that it’s understood that abusive behaviour... does not simply mean where physical violence has occurred. Quite often this coercive control pattern of behaviour involves no physical violence at all.”


Dreyfus said there was also a whole range of ways in which the criminal justice system can be made better responsive to sexual assault.

“We need to protect people who come forward with allegations of sexual violence and sexual abuse,” he said.

“We need to protect victims from the problem of cross examination by an unrepresented perpetrator,in other words,a perpetrator who is not there with a lawyer.

“That’s something that needs to be dealt with and that can be dealt with by courts adopting different procedures.”

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