Businesses,workers and experts have called on the federal government to expand its paid parental leave scheme.Credit:istock
They said increasing the amount of Commonwealth paid parental leave by an extra eight weeks,from the current 18,would help reduce the gender pay gap and allow women to achieve their full career potential.
The Grattan Institute has previously estimated that expanding the government scheme from 18 to 26 weeks would cost $600 million a year.
The institute’s chief executive Danielle Wood,who is delivering the keynote speech at the Jobs and Skills Summit on Thursday morning,said paid parental leave can be used to encourage better sharing of unpaid care work.
“Paid parental leave is a bit of a sleeper issue because we’ve got such a gendered division of labour - women taking on so much more unpaid work than men puts a ceiling on women’s ability to rise in the workforce,” she said.
A report from the ACTU said that an additional 893,000 women would work if barriers to their workforce participation were removed,and one of those barriers was inadequate paid parental leave.
In their joint agreement,the ACTU and Business Council of Australia urged the government to expand the Commonwealth paid parental leave scheme to 26 weeks and make sure it could be shared between both parents,including superannuation during leave and incentives for both parents to take it.