South Australians love attending the football

South Australians love attending the footballCredit:Getty

Clubs have been told to expect a windfall of close to $500,000,with 40 per cent of that income to be added to each club’s tight,football department soft caps. The players,who are in the middle of negotiating a collective bargaining agreement with the AFL,are also hoping for a boost as a result of the extra game while there also issues to be resolved with broadcasters.

South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas spruiked the idea on SEN on Friday saying that his government would dip into a $40 million pool allocated through the budget to attract major events to the state.

“There’s a fair bit (of money) involved,I won’t lie about it. Those numbers are commercial in confidence,” Malinauskas said.


“In the state budget we handed down in June … we’ve got a pool of funds to attract new major events,so we’re tapping into that pool as part of our bid. If we miss out,we’ll bid for something else.”

The AFL hopse to hold the round near the start of the season with Malinauskas saying he hoped to know whether their bid had been successful within a fortnight.

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