Bushmaster troop carriers have made an important contribution to Ukraine’s war effort.

Bushmaster troop carriers have made an important contribution to Ukraine’s war effort.Credit:Getty

A contingent of up to 70 Australian Defence Force personnel will deploy to the United Kingdom in January to join Operation Interflex,a multinational effort to train Ukrainian soldiers.

No Australian military personnel will enter Ukraine itself.


“Australia has been unequivocal in its bipartisan support for Ukraine and its condemnation of[Russian] President[Vladimir] Putin,” Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said.

“We will continue to stand up for freedom and democracy.”

“This is not just about Ukraine’s sovereignty;the brave people of Ukraine are defending international law,rules and norms.”

Ukraine’s ambassador to Australia Vasyl Myroshnychenko welcomed the new tranche of assistance,which will take Australia’s total military contribution to Ukraine to $475 million.


“We appreciate every dollar and every Bushmaster,” Myroshnychenko said.


“Bushmasters have performed really well on the battlefield and this extra support will make a significant contribution to the liberation of more Ukrainian territory from the invading Russian forces.”

Ukrainian forces have been advancing rapidly towards the southern provincial capital of Kherson,raising expectations they will recapture the city within days and deliver Putin another embarrassing defeat.

Kherson has been under Russian control since the early days of the invasion.

Myroshnychenko had made clear that extra military support in the form of troop carriers and ammunition was Ukraine’s priority,not training,but welcomed the UK training initiative.


The UK has led efforts to provide basic military training to thousands of Ukrainian civilians by hosting them for combat courses in England.

Defence Minister Richard Marles,whoflagged the training initiative earlier this month,said:“Our soldiers will be part of a large training program in the United Kingdom to help prepare their Ukrainian mates for their struggle against Russia’s unwarranted and unlawful aggression.”

He added:“Since their arrival,the Bushmasters have been used extensively by the Ukrainian Armed Forces with more requested by the Ukrainian president,minister for defence,and the ambassador.”

Ukraine has alsorequested Australia send a fleet of Hawkei protected mobility vehicles,which are still in the testing phase,to the battlefield as well as more howitzer long-range weapons and ammunition.

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