Wait times for children’s elective surgeries have blown out at the Royal Children’s Hospital.

Wait times for children’s elective surgeries have blown out at the Royal Children’s Hospital.Credit:Getty

Two paediatric surgeons,who spoke toThe Ageon the condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to speak publicly,said they were commonly operating on children who should have had surgery many months ago.

At the end of last year,the median wait time for category three surgeries at the Royal Children’s Hospital had blown out to 421 days,up nearly 60 per cent from a year ago. Patients within this category are meant to be operated on within 365 days.

The median wait time for category two surgeries was more than 126 days,an improvement from earlier in the pandemic but still more than a month overdue from the 90-day benchmark.

Conditions deemed category two and three could include patients with bone and joint deformities (such as one leg being longer than the other,spinal issues and clubfoot),cleft palate,skin excisions,and inflamed tonsils and adenoids needing removal,surgeons said.

A paediatric surgeon who works at the Royal Children’s Hospital said procedures for the vast majority of patients he operated on were long overdue.

He said there was also a hidden wait list that was not reflected in official numbers,which he said often added another year or two. A hidden wait list is the time it took for patients to be seen in a surgical clinic to confirm they needed an operation or have their condition diagnosed.


General practitioners have complained of referring 13-year-old patients who turn 15 before they are seen at the clinic,he said.

And he said surgeons were booking an increasing number of review appointments because their patients had waited so long for surgery that they needed to be called back again to see if their situation had progressed or worsened.

“All specialties are overdue,” he said. “I have colleagues that are ear,nose and throat surgeons … and the things for grommets[tubes to treat ear infections],things like tonsils and adenoids,don’t get a look in. Which means that the child will snore until they’re three or four years old,which is pretty awful.”

However,paediatric neurosurgeon Dr Patrick Lo,who is the Victorian chair of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons,said the state was starting to see some early signs of recovery to the elective surgery waiting lists,which blew out over consecutive lockdowns and COVID-19 waves.

“I know of health services,at least three,that have been able to ramp up their surgical activities,” he said.

Those still struggling with long wait lists include Maroondah Hospital,where patients in the last three months of last year were waiting a median of 546 days for category three surgeries. In the same category – which can include procedures such as hysterectomies and hip and knee replacements – patients at Dandenong Hospital were waiting a median of 524 days and Casey Hospital had wait times of a median 466 days.

Behind the numbers

  • Victoria’s elective surgery waiting lists virtually doubled to well above 80,000 during the pandemic as resources shifted to treat thousands of people seriously ill with coronavirus.
  • A shortage of doctors and nurses is a big part of the problem,prompting Victoria to launch a recruitment drive last year for 7000 healthcare professionals.
  • State Labor pledged to spend $1.5 billion on a hospital blitz to help clear the backlog by performing 40,000 more surgeries in 2023 and building up to 240,000 every year from 2024.
  • The plan includes hospitals operating at night and on weekends,and turning Frankston Private Hospital into a public surgery centre.

Lo,who appealed for the public’s understanding,said he was personally experiencing a good flow of surgical patients through the children’s hospital.

Another paediatric surgeon,not authorised to speak publicly,said he was still operating on patients every week who should have been treated sooner and having daily difficult conversations with parents about the realities of the hospital’s wait list.

“I have many patients that I wish had had surgery six months or a year sooner,” he said.

The surgeon said delayed operations had physical consequences – “they’re needing more complex procedures that take longer to do,that have a higher risk of complications” – but they took a mental toll too.

The specialist said not only had the length of the waiting lists grown during lockdowns,so had the complexity of the patients,due to the delays.

The sector was still battling ongoing staff shortages,caused by peopleleaving the industry due to burnout,a temporary reduction of international recruits during the pandemic and other factors,he said.

The Andrews government madean election promise to deliver 40,000 extra surgeries in a year,as part of a $1.5 billion catch-up plan. Late last year it opened two new public surgical centres in Frankston and Blackburn.

A spokeswoman for the Royal Children’s Hospital said theatre activity had increased in the past weeks and that the hospital plans to open additional ward beds this year.

“We understand waiting for any procedure can be a challenging time and we work closely with families to schedule procedures as soon as possible,” she said.

“In 2023,we also plan to open additional inpatient ward beds to allow treatment of more complex patients who require multi-day admissions.”

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