Treasurer Jim Chalmers says the government will have to make room for the aged care pay rise in the May budget.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen
It proposed funding 10 per cent of the pay rise from July and 5 per cent from July 1,2024,but the commission on Tuesday rejected that plan and awarded workers the full 15 per cent by the end of the financial year.
Grant Corduroy,senior partner at StewartBrown,estimated the pay increase would cost the government $1.9 billion,but providers would be $575 million out of pocket if Labor decided to only fund a 10 per cent increase from July.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told the National Press Club on Wednesday the Fair Work decision would weigh on the public purse.
“Health,with the ageing of the population,including to name just one,the aged care wage increase,for example,that will have an impact on the budget coming through,” Albanese said.
Earlier,Chalmers told ABC radio’sRN Breakfastthe government will have to find money in the May federal budget to fund the aged care increase.
“We’ll have to find room to strengthen Medicare,we’ll have to find room to fund our national security ... One of the things I’ve tried to do since I’ve been treasurer is not to try and kind of pretend away some of the pressures on the budget.”