Christine Milne says it would be fair and reasonable for the Greens to block the safeguard mechanism if the party’s demands to veto new coal and gas are not met.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen
Greens leader Adam Bandt has demanded the federal government veto any new coal or gas projects in return for his party’s crucial Senate support for the safeguard mechanism,which will impose pollution limits on the nation’s 215 biggest carbon emitters.
Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen has rejected this demand. Bandt has said he is not issuing an ultimatum to the government and is open to negotiations,which are currently under way.
The safeguard mechanism is due to start on July 1 but needs approval by the Senate before it can start and parliament has only two sitting weeks scheduled before the deadline.
Milne stressed that she would not issue advice to Bandt,but said it would be reasonable for the Greens to insist their support for the safeguard mechanism would only be given in return for a veto on new fossil fuel projects.
“It is incumbent upon them[Labor] to develop a set of policies that are acceptable to the parliament that actually bring down emissions.”
Milne said it was a mistake for former prime minister Kevin Rudd not to pursue another reform after the Greens blocked his emissions trading scheme and the current government will repeat that mistake if it insists its current proposal is a one-and-only chance at reform.