The first section of the Suburban Rail Loop is due to cost $35 billion and be finished in 2035.Credit:Jason South
Early works have commenced on the rail loop’s first 26-kilometre eastern suburbs section,running underground from Cheltenham to Box Hill. The Andrews government says it willopen it to passengers by 2035.
Speaking on the sidelines of an event in Melbourne on Friday,King said she would look to advice from the independent adviser,Infrastructure Australia,to decide whether to pour more funds into the project.
The Albanese government introduced legislation to parliament this week that it said would restore the body as the government’s top adviser on where to direct billions in spending.
“The Suburban Rail Loop will be one of the projects,in terms of future funding,that I would expect a stronger,more capable … Infrastructure Australia to be able to provide that advice on going into a budget cycle,” King said.
“Suburban Rail is obviously one of the really big projects which will necessitate the state working very closely with the revised Infrastructure Australia,if we get the legislation through parliament.”
King said Infrastructure Australia had become “divorced” from Commonwealth budget decisions and needed to return to its intended role as a source of independent advice,alongside that from her department.