Some aged-care nurses will be $10,000 a year better off under a wage boost funded by the government.Credit:Getty
The pay rise will be passed on in full from July after the government lost a bid to stagger it across two financial years,and will mean that a registered nurse on level 2.3 of their industry award will have their pay packets increased by more than $10,000 to $78,165.36.
Personal care staff on level 4 of their award will also receive a $7300 yearly top-up,amounting to an additional $141 a week in what Aged Care Minister Anika Wells described as a “historic and deserved pay rise for a workforce undervalued for far too long”.
“This wage decision will help more women and families to make ends meet,and ensure that quality aged care workers are less likely to contemplate leaving the sector because of pay concerns,” Wells said.
The Health Services Union called for a 25 per cent pay rise,comparable to $5 an hour,for aged care workers and nurses after a royal commission into the sector called on the Commonwealth and providers to overhaul the historical underpayment of the feminised workforce.
Aged Care Minister Anika Wells says undervalued workers will be getting a “historic” pay rise.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen
Fair Work in Novemberawarded an interim 15 per cent increase,partly due to the historic,gender-based undervaluation of care work in Australia,and didn’t discount the possibility of a further rise. The government initially proposed funding 10 per cent of the pay rise from July and 5 per cent from July 1,2024,but the commission decidedthe full increase should be granted in July.
Treasury modelling accompanying Labor’s Fair Work submission last year backing a pay rise found a 25 per cent increase to wages could increase labour supply by between 5 and 10 per cent. However,it warned at the time such an increase in wages could further push up inflation if it prompted workers in other sectors to seek similarly large pay rises.