Cost of living relief will be a centrepiece of Tuesday’s federal budget.Credit:Peter Braig
But the Coalition is challenging the government to prove it can reduce inflation from its current level of 7 per cent,turning consumer prices into a key political contest before the budget is announced on Tuesday night.
The $14.6 billion package is broader than first thought because it goes beyond energy costs to include help with medicines and other essential items,while also extending the bill relief to small businesses.
“People are under the pump. We’ve carefully calibrated and designed this budget so that it takes pressure off the cost-of-living rather than add to it,” Chalmers said in a statement.
The government is also preparing to broaden income support for single mothers,increase payment to unemployed people over the age of 55 and could also boost rent assistance,but it is yet to confirm whether it will increase the JobSeeker rate for all recipients regardless of age.
The energy assistance will be a major component of the package and will offer each household several hundred dollars against their power bills,although this will be limited to the most vulnerable Australians such as pensioners and those on lower incomes.
“More than five and a half million households will get some assistance with their electricity bills and around a million small businesses will be eligible as well,” Chalmers told ABC News on Sunday.