The government and the Greens have to date been unable to reach an agreement on the housing package.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen
“The Greens have shifted,and it is time for Labor to do the same,” Bandt said. “If Labor backs a rent freeze and guarantees real money for more housing,the Greens will pass Labor’s bill.”
The Greens originally demanded the government commit to spending $5 billion on social and affordable housing every year and $1.6 billion a year for an incentive scheme for states and territories to implement a two-year rent freeze.
The Greens now say they will support the bill if the government commits $2.5 billion to social and affordable housing per year,and $1 billion for the rent freeze.
It is still a long way from Labor’s position,in which $10 billion is invested in the Future Fund with a maximum of $500 million in annual earnings used for building social and affordable housing.
The housing fund would build 10,000 affordable homes and 20,000 social homes over five years.