Theprime minister may not have bothered to read the final report of the Referendum Council,but anyone who has read it knows that “delegates were invited to each First Nations Regional Dialogue” and from those groups “10 delegates were selected to represent their region together with the conveners and working group leaders”.
Far from being a “modest request” that “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have asked for”,the Uluru Statement is a loaded document signed by just 250 people.
Before Opposition Leader Peter Dutton had taken a position,he put sensible and reasonable questions to the prime minister about how the Voice would operate. His questions were ignored.
Constitutional conservatives,many of whom support the Voice,were left out of the process to create the referendum question. When they raised concerns about the wording,they were accused of being “white saviours” who were “just trying to stay in the spotlight”.
For disagreeing with them,prominent Yes campaigners who I won’t name called me and other Indigenous No campaigners every name in the book,they’ve accused me of hating Aboriginal people and,just last week,called me a puppet doing a jig.
This isn’t a unifying Voice for Australia,this isn’t a modest,simple or gracious request,and with no effort made to explain how it would work,it’s all risk and no reward. This is the prime minister’s Voice,it’s the Voice of the Indigenous activists and academics,it is the Voice of division.
The Yes campaign likes to say this proposal has been supported by “constitutional conservatives”,but the truth is that this proposal is constitutionally radical. It would enshrine a dangerous and divisive Voice in the Constitution,and that’s not something conservatives can get behind.
In 2014,while affirming his support for genuine constitutional recognition,then prime minister Tony Abbott said:“The worst of all outcomes would be dividing our country in an effort to unite it.”
That is exactly what’s already happened.
More concerned with themselves and getting their names in the history books,the prime minister and prominent Yes campaigners who flank him at every press conference have divided Australia.
The referendum campaign proper will begin this week,and it will be the most divisive six weeks in our nation’s history.
I am fighting for a No vote because I already asked myself that simple question,do I want Australians to be divided in our Constitution?
No. I want to be one together,not two divided.
Jacinta Nampijinpa Price is a Country Liberal Party senator for the Northern Territory and the former deputy mayor of Alice Springs.