A Palestinian child,wounded in the Israeli bombardment of Gaza Strip,is brought to a hospital in Khan Younis on October 21,two weeks after the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel.Credit:AP
Those events rightly shocked the world. However,absent a visual record,and because it was acoup de mainexecuted in a matter of hours,the news cycle moved on. So,over the past weeks,the atrocity that precipitated the conflict,though not forgotten,has begun to fade from memory,as the narrative is overtaken by Israel’s military response. All we see are Palestinian casualties,with Israel – the undoubted victim of the massacre that caused it – increasingly portrayed as the villain.
Of course,Hamas knew that,when it executed the greatest mass slaughter of Jewish people since the Nazis,Israel would respond powerfully,and that the response would be daily depicted by the media and anatomised by world opinion,in a way the October 7 attack never was.
So let us bring some perspective into the discussion. First,let it never be forgotten that,while some media outlets (including,of course,“our” ABC),have taken to referring to Hamas as “militants” – or sometimes simply as “Gazan authorities”,as blandly as if they were describing any municipal government – Hamas is a terrorist organisation,listed as such by Australia and most other democracies,including the United States and the United Kingdom. Its declared aim is the elimination of the state of Israel.
The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by unanimous resolution of the UN General Assembly in December 1948 with the Holocaust explicitly in mind. Article 2 defines genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy,in whole or in part,a national,ethnic,racial or religious group”. Hamas is not only a terrorist organisation;it is one whose avowed purpose is to commit the crime of genocide against the state of Israel and the Jewish people.
How can it be that those on the political left – including,disgracefully,weak-kneed members of the Albanese government – cannot bring themselves to condemn,forthrightly and without ambiguity or caveat,a civilian massacre by a listed terrorist organisation with an explicitly genocidal aim? Rather,they avoid the issue by hiding behind a pusillanimous moral equivalence which is wrong in fact,in law,and in morality.
There is no valid comparison between the conduct of Israel and that of Hamas. Under international law,a state has a right to self-defence,including pre-emptive self-defence. That may include military action undertaken for the purpose of eliminating the threat. It is obliged to carry out such action in a manner which is proportionate to the threat and,where civilian populations may be affected – as in a crowded space like Gaza,they undoubtedly will be – to use its best efforts to minimise civilian casualties. That is particularly difficult where,as is the case in Gaza,Hamas deliberately embeds itself among civilian facilities,such as hospitals,using Palestinian civilians as human shields as callously as they murdered Israeli civilians.