Last week,independents called on the federal government to build on Murphy’s legacy by banning online gambling ads. Murphy led a public inquiry into the social damage from problem gambling that ultimately called for an advertising ban in four stages over three years.
Murphy’s husband,Rod Glover,fondly remembered waking up on Sunday mornings with her at their Frankston home. He then paused,overcome by emotion.
Murphy’s husband Rod Glover remembered her dignity,courage and sarcasm.Credit:Eddie Jim
“She left us 11 days ago,and she left the way she lived – with dignity,courage,and sarcasm,” he said.
Glover said the prime minister was the first person to call him after Murphy died.
“I burst into tears,and he simply cried with me,” Glover said. “He has a big heart too.”
A tribute video compiled by Murphy’s friend and fellow Labor MP Anika Wells was played at the service. Former prime minister Julia Gillard and former Victorian premier Steve Bracks were among the mourners.
Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus (left) wipes away tears.Credit:Eddie Jim
Murphy’s father,Bob,remembered her growing up in Wagga Wagga as a driven child and said he disagreed with her belief that she wasn’t special.
“In fact,you were bloody awesome,” he said,describing her as “authentic,smart,driven,caring,fun to be with,inclusive,a champion of social justice and equity … brave,and I added one more:sarcastic.”
He concluded his speech quoting her signature sign-off when Murphy called him and her mother Jan.
“‘I gotta go. There’s someone I’ve got to help. I love you’,” he said.
Murphy was remembered as a rare politician who won admiration and affection across the political spectrum.Credit:Eddie Jim
“Well Peta,unfortunately,that time has come. I’ve got to say farewell,I’ve gotta go – we love you.”
Murphy’s sisters,Penni and Jodi,said she was a role model to them and a superhero to their children.
Friends Fiona Todd and Breast Cancer Network Australia chief executive Kirsten Pilatti also remembered Murphy’s compassion and fighting spirit.
The service concluded with a video of Murphy explaining what drove her to continue to work hard after she was first diagnosed with cancer in 2011,then told days before she was sworn-in in 2019 that it had returned:the chance to improve the lives of others.
“I can either go under the doona and say that things are a bit tough,or try to use those feelings to achieve something,” she said.
Albanese said it was cruel to lose Murphy so soon. “May Peta rest in eternal peace.”