Jodie Belyea is favoured to be Labor’s candidate in the Dunkley byelection.Credit:Women’s Spirit Project
A TAFE student who went on to become a teacher at the tertiary level,Belyea has also worked in small business. She has a child in high school.
In 2018,she founded a volunteer-led group known as the Women’s Spirit Project,which offers health and wellbeing programs for vulnerable women in the Frankston,Kingston and Mornington Peninsula council areas.
Two Labor sources,speaking anonymously to detail private internal conversations,said the unexpectedly long time taken to pick a nominee meant the byelection was unlikely to be held before late February.
Those sources said Belyea was not an experienced political operative and would require the guidance of hands-on advisers seconded from the Albanese government. But they said she was a solid candidate with strong local links and would be well-received by Dunkley voters.