Bradley Elliot-Watson (left) says he watched twin brother James “go through hell” after coming out as gay in high school.

Bradley Elliot-Watson (left) says he watched twin brother James “go through hell” after coming out as gay in high school.Credit:Steven Siewert

“They basically said,‘Look James,we think this is good that you had the integrity to bring it up before it became an issue later ...[But] we’re not going to be allowing you to be a prefect’,” he recalled.

“There was a big doom and gloom conversation about AIDS,the consequences of accepting a gay lifestyle,how this wasn’t the will of God. They also said they’d call my parents in and talk to them.

“Under no circumstances could I talk about my sexuality openly. If I did,there would be disciplinary action taken,including expulsion,because you’re breaking the contract you signed in year 7 saying you would uphold Christian values ... So then I caught the bus home. I was terrified the whole trip that mum and dad were going to know I’m gay.”


Pressure is mounting on the Labor government to change the law to protect students like James,after the Australian Law Reform Commissionweighed in on years of debate to say religious schools should be stripped of their right to discriminate against LGBTQ students and staff.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese went to the last election saying he would protect gay,lesbian and transgender students from being expelled or facing sanctions from schools,and Labor has prepared legislation to that effect.

But reform is in doubt as Albanese hints hewill shelve it without Coalition support,and has said he does not want to start a culture war or trigger division.


Many faith-based schoolshave argued they don’t discriminate against LGBTQ students,and say there’s little evidence to support claims they do. They say their priority is hiring staff who reflect the religious beliefs of their community,andhave rebelled against last week’s law reform commission report because it undermines their school’s identity.

“Catholic schools are not seeking the right to discriminate based on personal attributes,but rather to maintain their religious identity and mission,” said National Catholic education executive director Jacinta Collins. “If individuals do not support our ethos,they are able to choose another school for enrolment or employment. This is what a free,pluralistic society is about.”

LGBTQ advocacy groups,however,say the special exemption for schoolsin the Sex Discrimination Act must be scrapped without delay.

James Elliot-Watson (left) says his experience of discrimination in high school still infuriates him.

James Elliot-Watson (left) says his experience of discrimination in high school still infuriates him.Credit:Steven Siewert

Equality Australia on Monday published a report detailing stories of more than 20 LGBTQ Australians who have been fired,expelled or discriminated against in religious schools,to show the exemption to discrimination law continues to hurt people.

James,now 28,saw eight counsellors in his final years of high school,while his twin brother,Bradley,excelled during that time. “My mental health was crashing,I was falling behind in my grades,which had never really happened,” he said.


The experience culminated in him coming out to his class in year 11. He was subsequently suspended and told to arrive at and leave campus later than his peers and do his classwork in isolation.

A decade on,it still makes him furious. “It became:‘James put your head down,don’t say anything,we just need to get you through the HSC’. In that final year of school,I did a complete 180[degree turn],got a girlfriend,went to Bible college.”

It wasn’t until he turned 26 that he came out again. “It became this hidden thing. When I look back on it now,it infuriates me. That’s the whole reason I’m doing this,” James said.

He described Albanese’s potential retreat from reform this week as “gutless”.

“I think it’s ridiculous that the prime minister wants bipartisan support when he’s in the chair,” James said. “There are young,vulnerable people in school right now who will see all this play out,and they will feel the fear that I felt,and the shame that I felt,and they need to be protected from that,and the law should do so.”

Bradley recalls the year the twins turned 16 as one of the best of his life. “We were both popular,high school was great. And I watched him just go through hell,” Bradley said.

“I was able to just enjoy being a carefree teenager,he wasn’t. He still has to carry that,I get to look back with rose-coloured glasses and he doesn’t.

“This cannot be allowed to happen again to other people. It can’t be allowed to continue because lives are on the line.”

But many families still have to navigate potential discrimination,especially in NSW,Western Australia and South Australia,where there aren’t strong state-based protections for gay or transgender students.


The Equality Australia report estimates more than 70,000 students and 10,000 staff in private schools are LGBTQ,based on school enrolment data.

“With one in three students and almost two in five staff enrolled or employed in private schools,most of which are religiously affiliated,our laws urgently need to change,” the report said.

Ghassan Kassisieh,Equality Australia’s legal director,said he believed the report showed why there was a tangible and urgent need for reform to happen.

“We are talking about real people,with real lives and hopes and ambitions. The time for action is now,” he said.

“Until there is a bill in the parliament and a willingness of all of the parliamentarians to address this issue,staff and students will remain afraid and face devastating consequences simply for being who they are.”

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