However,despite 60 per cent of party members,including some state MPs,supporting the motion at the Liberals’ state convention in November,the opposition will this week attempt to kill the Minns government’s transport-oriented development program with a bill before parliament.
The motion at the convention called on the state parliamentary party to take major steps towards solving the worsening housing crisis,including “rezoning all lots within a 5-minute walking radius of existing train and metro stations in greater Sydney according to R4 high density”.
It also called for all lots within a “10-minute walking radius of existing train and metro stations in greater Sydney” to be rezoned R3 medium density along with lots within a 5-minute walking radius of a light rail stop within greater Sydney and Newcastle.
However,the Opposition’s planning spokesman Scott Farlowhas since introduced a bill that would axe the government’s transport oriented developments (TODs).
“The Liberal Party members’ and our upper house motions are in line with the party’s support for additional housing,including increasing density along transport corridors to meet ambitious housing targets,done in consultation with local communities,” Farlow said.
“The Minns Labor government’s approach put the cart before the horse by announcing the housing targets many months after their TODs. The opposition’s bill would allow councils to design how they will accommodate increased densities in their communities.”