Immigration Minister Tony Burke during question time in November.Credit:Dominic Lorrimer
The Albanese government has merged three bills to form an immigration package that allows it to put non-citizens back into detention once another country agrees to take them,and jail people for up to five years if they do not co-operate with moves to deport them.
But Labor’s agenda has alarmed human rights groups,who described it as draconian and discriminatory,while lawyers warn the planned laws will be hit with flurry of court challenges. Greens senator David Shoebridge said it was the “most extreme migration legislation since the White Australia policy”.
The first part of the package allows Australia topay countries to accept non-citizens who have refused deportation to their home country,and reinstates an ankle bracelet and curfew monitoring regime for former detainees that wasstruck down by the High Court earlier this month.
The second gives authorities power to confiscate mobile phones and other items from people in immigration detention,which is similar to a law Labor voted down under the previous Coalition government in 2020.
The third revivesa bill that wasshelved earlier this year and bans entire nationalities from visiting Australia if their governments don’t accept citizens being returned against their will,targeting countries such as Iran,Iraq,Russia and South Sudan.
That bill,whichthe Coalition and Greens rejected in March because of humanitarian concerns and hasty drafting,also allows people who don’t co-operate with moves to deport them to be jailed for up to five years.