5 things big energy retailers don't want you to know about your bills

Senior economics writer

One of my most joyous moments so far of 2020 has been discovering the communal laundry in my apartment block has a clothes dryer we can use.

Look,in a year of slim pickings,I’ll take my kicks where I can find them,OK?

If you speak the magic words “I’m going to leave,” then your electricity provider will probably offer you a cheaper price.

If you speak the magic words “I’m going to leave,” then your electricity provider will probably offer you a cheaper price.

Unfortunately,the dryer is individually metered to each unit,meaning my electricity bill has since exploded. So,this week I took a deep dive down the dark rabbit hole that is electricity pricing.

Turns out,the electricity retailer I am with still sits on top of the government’senergymadeeasy.gov.au price comparison website for my area. The site only covers NSW,QLD,ACT and SA. Victorian power users need to go tocompare.energy.vic.gov.au.

But if you do just one thing today to improve your finances,let it be to check in with one of these websites to search for the cheapest energy provider in your area.

Crucially,grab a copy of an old power bill first and double-check it to see if you are on a “single tariff” or “time-of-day tariff” rate – or a combination of both. This is basically whether your home is wired to deliver power consistently at one price,or varying depending on the time of day. It’ll say it on your bill. Without this info,the government comparison websites just make an assumption for you – and it could be wrong.

Done it? Got your quote? Congratulations,gold star for you. But wait,there’s more …

Before you put your feet up with a now cheaply refrigerated glass of Rose,here are five things I think every Australian needs to know about our electricity retailers and how they charge us.

1. They don’t tell the government everything

Sites likeEnergy Made Easy are a huge improvement for consumers looking to shop around.

Retailers are forced by law to hand over their pricing data in a certain format and by a set deadline. But of this information,the government websites only display prices for “generally available” products. What does that mean?

Well,in addition to their general products,retailers also frequently offer individual “below-the-line” deals for some customers. Some of these the government knows about,some are only on offer when you call up and threaten to leave. “So,basically the government knows about better offers but can’t tell customers about it,” explains Brett Mifsud,general manager of energy atCompare The Market.

Private comparison sites like CTM and Finder often know about these deals,but don’t cover the whole market. Murky,no?

2. They dud existing customers

Just like the banks,electricity retailers differentiate between their “back book” and their “front book” of customers,charging higher prices to the former.

If you haven’t changed energy retailers for a few years,you are sitting on their back books. That’s not a good thing. Chances are you’re paying a higher rate. Discounts go to new customers to attract new business. It’s the lazy tax. Don’t pay it.

3. Discounts designed to confuse

Retailers will try to bamboozle you with discounts. Until last year,this was a complete mess. Retailers were applying discounts to different base rates. Last year,the government cleaned things up a bit,mandating a base rate for all retailers. So,the discounts are now a bit more meaningful.

However,by far the best way to compare prices remains to input your usage data into price comparison websites,which spit out an actual dollar estimate of how much you would pay.

4. Get a better deal by threatening to leave

If shopping around is all too much,at least make sure you call your provider to ask for a better deal. When you do,you’ll likely speak to a call centre operator who,while no doubt charming and lovely as a person,is operating off a pre-written script.

Simply speak the magic words “I’m going to leave” and you’re instantly shunted onto a different script – one where operators are often able to offer you a cheaper price.

If you’ve been a loyal customer who pays bills on time and doesn’t cause too much fuss,chances are they’ll be keen to keep you. Try it.

5. They use'fighter brands'to fool you

We all know the names of the big electricity retailers,such as Origin and AGL. But did you know there are 57 electricity retailer brands in Australia? All manner of oddly named little guys,such as ReAmped Energy,GloBird and nectr,are out there just itching to steal your business.

Turns out the national electricity grid is a bit like the National Broadband Network:a centralised infrastructure through which smart little companies can retail direct to you.

But be careful. Some little guys are just the big guys in sheep’s clothing. For example,Powerdirect is a brand of AGL in the same way that Belong is a Telstra brand. Big retailers do this to try to keep consumers from switching to low-cost alternatives.


Anyway,better dash. Got a load of washing to dry.

You can follow Jess’ money adventures on Instagram at@jess_irvine_pics

Jessica Irvine is a senior economics writer with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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