Data-sharing can take the pain out of shopping around

Banking reporter

When it comes to saving money,one of the most common bits of advice you will read in the personal finance section of a newspaper is to get out there and"shop around."

The reason this advice is so common is that it's generally true. Competition only works well if customers are prepared to take their business elsewhere. Even so,there's one rather large problem with all this:shopping around is pretty tedious.

The big banks will be the first cabs off the rank under a new data-sharing regime.

The big banks will be the first cabs off the rank under a new data-sharing regime.

Almost all of us would prefer to do other things than pore over bank statements,or check out how many cents we are paying per kilowatt hour of electricity.

As a result,many of us end up paying more than we should for these essential services.

Lately,however,there has been some good news on this front.

Upcoming laws have the potential to help consumers get the benefits of"shopping around,"without forcing us to spend hours comparing the minutiae of electricity plans – and that should help customers save money.

There will be competition between institutions to provide consumers with a single view of all their banking,wherever it’s done

Federal parliament last week gave the green light to something called the"consumer data right."

In a nutshell,this is a new set of rules and processes that should help people to take control of an increasingly valuable commodity – the data that businesses hold about them.

It's a change that promises to have far-reaching consequences across all sorts of consumer industries,but the first cab off the rank is banking.

From early next year,a regime known as"open banking"will require banks to allow customers to securely"share"the data that banks hold on them,such as their payment history,or their saving and spending habits.

Comprehensive view

Why would you want to share your data with someone else,such as another bank?

Well,one reason would be get a more comprehensive view of your finances.

“There will be competition between institutions to provide consumers with a single view of all their banking,wherever it’s done,” says Scott Farrell,a partner at King&Wood Mallesons who conducted a government review in this area.

"Though it doesn’t sound like much,it will probably make people’s lives a bit easier."

Security and privacy risks?

Another reason to share your data would be to find out if there are better deals out there suited to you,and if so,to move banks more simply.

“People will find themselves not having to fill out as much paperwork if they want a new credit card or a loan. Because of that,people will be able to shop around more,” Farrell says.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has noted the average Australian household could save about $1,000 on their mortgage if they switched banks,but when there are 4,000 types of mortgage out there,not many don't do this. Perhaps more will think about switching under open banking.

Where this gets more interesting,however,is that it will ultimately be rolled out across the whole economy.

The government will also force electricity companies and telecommunications companies to allow customers to share their data,which should make it easier to get a good deal in these sectors.

Frydenberg says the new regime will be introduced more widely across the economy"in due course."

What about the security and privacy risks?

Data will only be shared with the customer's consent,and businesses that want to accept consumers'data will need to need to meet privacy and security standards and hold a sort of"data safety licence."

KPMG's head of banking Ian Pollari adds that the data being “shared” will only include information that is already held by the bank. “It’s not new forms of data,it’s existing forms of data that banks hold on the consumer,” Pollari says.

Even so,some have concerns about the privacy risks,while others say the new regime could leave vulnerable customers exposed to predatory lenders.

All up,however,the new world of open data could be quite a powerful force if it is embraced by the public.

Instead of trawling through old electricity bills or mobile phone statements to figure out if you are getting a good deal,you'll be able to get a regulated business to do it for you — leaving you to get on with something more enjoyable.

Clancy Yeates is deputy business editor. He has covered banking and financial services,and was previously national business correspondent in the Canberra bureau.

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