Legislation ensures life insurers have solid foundations

I have been reading that AMP is planning to sell off its life insurance business. What will happen to my life annuity? Will it continue the same or will I get less money or lose it?

You have no need to worry.

Illustration:Simon Letch

Illustration:Simon Letch

AMP,like other big financial institutions,has had some bad press lately but they remain a financially strong and stable company,with robust protection in place for customers,which means you can rest assured your money is safe.

The Australian life insurance industry is highly regulated. Life insurance companies have to abide by the Life Insurance Act 1995,which looks to protect the interests of both policyholders and potential applicants of life insurance policies.

The Act outlines some key standards around solvency and capital adequacy that must be adhered to by the insurance company.

An AMP spokesperson tells me that AMP Life will continue to manage the business and hold capital in line with its board-approved policies and statutory requirements.

What this means is there is no change to your life annuity.

Throughout the AMP Life sale process,which is still in progress,there has been and will continue to be no impact or change to customers’ terms and conditions.

It’s business as usual for you and your life annuity.

My 80-year-old mother has got herself into a financial pickle. She gets a part pension,had $200,000 in the bank,and lives in her own home worth $540,000. She recently committed to a retirement village property by paying 50 per cent of the value,$187,000,in order for the home to be built,on the basis that she could sell her current home. Her home is not selling,the new home is almost finished,and she will have to start paying interest on the remaining 50 per cent. If she moves into her new place before selling her current one,will this impact her pension? Does the current home become an assessable asset? What is the best way for her to access the equity in her current home,in order to pay for the remaining 50 per cent of the retirement villa and perhaps draw on a monthly top up of her pension? What are the implications for her pension in any of these scenarios?

Your experience is a lesson to all seniors.

Normally,if you are relying on the money from the sale of your existing home to fund some or all of your new one,the contract you sign should be conditional on the sale of your current home.

If your mum needs to borrow,then most likely she will need a reverse mortgage,as this won’t require her to make any repayment until the house is sold.

The fact that she is not making a repayment means that it is more expensive,as interest is charged on interest but,if it is for a short period of time,it won’t make a big difference.

Just make sure you are aware of any early repayment penalties and,of course,there are normally expenses like property valuation and application fees that you cannot avoid.

The other option you could look at would be to use the Pension Loans Scheme,which would enable your mum to borrow to fund extra income but which wouldn’t give the option of a lump sum.

Since your Mum is thinking about moving into her new home before she sells the old one,if she does get any type of reverse mortgage,make sure that vacating the property doesn’t trigger repayment of the loan.

From a pension point of view,your mum can only have one principal residence. The other will be treated as an investment property,which is an assessable asset.

My wife and I receive a full married age pension. We have no assets other than our house,which we own outright. We are both aged in our 70s and are looking at selling the house,living with a daughter for about three months,during which time we will buy a smaller house. During the three months,the money received from the sale of the house will be parked in a bank account. We expect it will be about $500,000. How does Centrelink view this,and how does this affect our age pension while it is parked?

Your home and up to 2 hectares surrounding it are not counted under the assets test.

If you sell your home,the proceeds will be exempt from the assets for up to 12 months,as long as you are planning to use the money to buy another home.

However,the proceeds will be deemed under the income test.

You recently mentionedRAIZinthis section.What are the tax implications when you take some funds out of your RAIZ account? Are they reported as income?

An investment with RAIZ is no different to an investment with other managed funds.

You invest money and it grows by earnings and,when you withdraw it,depending on your financial situation,the earnings may be taxable.

Any withdrawal of capital is non-taxable. RAIZ also provides an annual tax statement that sets out what you are required to show on your tax return.

Noel Whittaker,AM,is the author of Making Money Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance.

Noel Whittaker,AM,is the author of Making Money Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance.

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