New Year's money resolution that could change your life

Senior economics writer

Happy New Year!

I,like so many of us,spent these Christmas holidays unexpectedly at home,where I Marie Kondo-ed my entire apartment.

It’s not the first time I have followed the tidying advice of the diminutive Japanese organiser,which is essentially to pull everything out of your cupboards – albeit in a particular sequence of clothes,books,paperwork,miscellaneous and sentimental items – and keep only that which “sparks joy”.

It was the first time,however,that I successfully made it through my sentimental items.

In the process,I found two pieces of paper of particular interest.

One piece of graphic-lined paper was from my high school days,when I was forced by my orthodontist to keep a meticulous track of the number of hours per night I had worn my external “headgear” – a miniature metallic bullbar,of sorts,which attached my braces to a head strap –which,when worn at night,would slowly and sometimes painfully persuade my teeth to separate. Ouch.

What is interesting to me is how diligently I recorded my adherence to this torture device,complete with a green highlighter pen.

On the other piece of paper – again,graphic-lined – I discovered a tally I had also made of the number of boys I kissed in high school,with an X-axis to denote the month and year,and a Y-axis displaying the number of conquests,completed scattergram style.

Having now revealed these two embarrassing facts about my teenage life,it is perhaps redundant to add that the data set for the latter exercise was not particularly large.

I digress.

Bottom line:it turns out I have always liked measuring and tracking stuff.

Which brings me to my 2021 New Year's resolutions for money. My commitment this year is simply to “track every dollar spent and earnt”.

To me,it’s the financial equivalent of Kondo’s advice to pull everything you own out of your cupboards before you start culling and organising. Except,unlike your crowded utensils draw and overflowing linen cupboard,it’s much harder to get an accurate picture of your finances.

Online banking,direct debits and the increasingly cashless economy have whisked our financial transactions out of sight and out of mind.

However,having an accurate idea of the size and shape of your individual spending and income is paramount to financial success.

As you navigate your life as a financial adult,you’ll be asked on myriad occasions to provide an estimate of your monthly living expenses:When you apply for a mortgage;when you calculate if you have enough superannuation saved for retirement;when you look at what level of life or income protection insurance may be appropriate,should the worst occur,and when deciding how much to save in an emergency fund.

Banks,insurers and super funds:they all expect you to know.

But hands up if you know your exact monthly living expense figure? After tracking my spending for six months,I’m closer to a precise figure. But even now,I’m still a bit sketchy.

So,if you don’t plan on over-borrowing,living off baked beans in retirement or paying for junk life insurance,you need to know what your figures are.

But where to start? The answer is simply:by tracking your spending.

Just get a notebook and pen and keep a record – all in one place – of all your outgoing expenses. I like paper for this purpose but you could also use a spreadsheet or smartphone app.

Just make sure you spend five or 10 minutes every day,or couple of days,to update your tracker with all spending from all accounts,including any cash.

It’s so easy to mindlessly spend money these days and tracking is a great accountability tool to allow you to see the exact shape of your spending.

Once you’re doing this,the next step is to start sorting all your transactions into some sort of category system,much like Kondo’s system of tidying by category.

I have developed my own category system,based on theAustralian Bureau of Statistics' household expenditure survey (which,by the way,is the data source for the system banks use to assess your ability to service a mortgage).

The categories are:housing,household,utilities,transport,food,health,education,appearance,lifestyle and professional fees.

For each category,I have a different coloured highlighter,which I use to colour in each expense. One follower of my Instagram account suggests I am some strange mix between Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and the ladies at the Home Edit,professional organisers who arrange everything in rainbow colour order.

I'll take it;colours are fun,ya’ll,and a great way to liven up the usually grey world of finance.

Having Kondo-ed my cupboards,I’m now turning my mind to a full New Year's spring clean of my finances for 2021. I’m developing full checklists for each of my 10 budget categories,which I will share with readers in a new email newsletter,Money with Jess,which kicks off in a few weeks.

Please dosubscribe,and,in the meantime,get tracking!

You can follow Jess'money adventures on Instagram at @jess_irvine_pics

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Jessica Irvine is a senior economics writer with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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