Parents raid their kids’ piggy banks as cost-of-living pressures hit

Jessica Nguyen,28,has had to use money set aside for Winston,15 months,to make ends meet.

Jessica Nguyen,28,has had to use money set aside for Winston,15 months,to make ends meet.Supplied

Two out of five parents are raiding their kids’ piggy banks and savings accounts to help pay for necessities as low wage growth fails to keep up with price rises.

The single-biggest reason parents give for raiding their kids'piggy banks is to help cover the costs of “necessities” such as groceries and rent or mortgage repayments.

While most parents use the money from their kids’ accounts to meet a short-term cash crunch and pay it back,one in five said they had not repaid the money.

The results are from asurvey of about 1000 parents carried out on behalf of comparison site Mozo,with the Financial Planning Association coming up with similar findings in a separate survey released on Wednesday.

It's a familiar situation for Jessica Nguyen,28,who has found she often needs to dip into money set aside for her son Winston,15 months,in order to pay for necessities such as infant formula,nappies and daycare. She and her husband have a property consultancy business with avariable income,making it hard to budget.

Illustration:Matt Golding

Illustration:Matt Golding

Ms Nguyen said Winston has thousands of dollars given to him by relatives for birthdays and Christmas and she would like to keep this for when he is older. In the mean time,she and her husband are keeping the money in their mortgage offset account,because the return is better than in a children's savings account,and it's accessible if needed.

"We try to keep it to use it for his expenses,we wouldn’t use it to eat out,"Ms Nguyen said.

"I still want to return it to him,it’s nice to have something for his own,but we're not hard on ourselves if we can’t pay it back at a certain time,knowing it’s still going towards him for his education or food.

When asked how much they have taken from their kids’ accounts,one in five admitted to taking more than $2000.

Ms Nguyen,who lives with her family in Docklands in Melbourne,is expecting her second child in January. She expects her approach to borrowing her children's money will be similar when they're older until they become adults and are managing their money independently.

"We’re all part of a team,we’re all part of a family,and it's about whatever contribution we can make to operate better together,"she said.

'Not a lot left over'

Mark McCrindle,social researcher and founder of McCrindle Research,said the results of these surveys underlined the extent to which many Australians are challenged by the costs of living.

“With not much in the way of savings and high expenses,there’s not a lot left over,” Mr McCrindle said.

“One[justification] is that it is my money anyway and the other is that they intend to pay it back. It is a very modern thing to be putting money aside for the kids in the first place."

Mr McCrindle said parents appreciated how hard it was to get into the housing market and that their kids would likely need help.

Parents are trying to save for their children's future.

Parents are trying to save for their children's future.Moodboard

TheFPA's report,Share the Dream:Raising the Invisible-MoneyGeneration,released to mark Financial Planning Week,suggests three out of five parents believe their children’s generation will be financially worse off than their own.

The Mozo survey suggests just over half of all parents are putting away some money on behalf of their children.

When asked how much they have taken from their kids’ accounts,one in five admitted to taking more than $2000.

After “necessities”,the second-most cited reason for raiding kids’ savings accounts is an “unexpected cost”,such as a car repair or medical bill,followed by a “big ticket item” such as a holiday,new car,television or computer.

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“With the cost of living continuing to rise and wages failing to keep up,everyday necessities are likely to be out of reach for many more household budgets,” Mozo director Kirsty Lamont said.

Meanwhile,the latestHousehold Financial Comfort Report from ME suggests more of us are feeling strapped for cash and dipping into savings to cover the rising cost of living expenses.

ME consulting economist Jeff Oughton said more households were drawing on their savings to cover necessary living expenses.

The report shows we are saving less,with the amount we are saving each month decreasing by just over 10 per cent during the first half of 2018.

John Collett writes about personal finance for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is the environment reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald. She has previously worked for BRW and The Australian Financial Review.

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