Seven big ideas to help you easily teach your kids about money

Money contributor

My kids’ catch-cry at the moment is:“Mummy,stop treating this as a teaching opportunity.” Yes,they are cheeky children.

However,pretty much everything we do with our kids is about learning,when you think about it.

Grocery shopping can be a great opportunity to teach yours kids about money.

Grocery shopping can be a great opportunity to teach yours kids about money.Louie Douvis

There is so much we do in our everyday family lives that can provide a chance to teach your kids about money and help set them up for financial success. Here are my favourite seven situations:

1. Buying groceries

One of the best lessons here is teaching your kids early about unit pricing of individual grocery items,rather than the price tag itself.

It enables them to compare items on a like-for-like basis – grams for grams and mils for mils – and avoids them being suckered in by two-for-one offers or “sale” items.

My other favourite message for my kids while shopping is about marketing ploys aimed specifically at them. “Look at the placement of the pink biscuits kids;that company pays more to be there so that you see them and hassle me to buy them.”

2. Shopping for anything else

There is also straight-up budgeting while shopping that you can show your kids. “We only have this much money and we can’t afford to spend more.” This gets across the life-changing lesson that money is finite.

And related is the message:“We are here for an intended purpose and for nothing more.” This is important because impulse buying and succumbing to instant gratification are enemies of long-term financial security.

If you instead model delayed gratification – “Perhaps we should buy that down the track;let’s think about when we really need it and save first” – it is a great future fix.

3. Standing at the checkout

How you pay is important and should be explained to your kids.

Flashing a magic credit card can seem like a modern-day fairytale to a child,and they do not see the bill come in at the end of the month.

Always explain where the money is coming from to purchase an item. Of course,it is best to have the money “upfront” and not rely on credit. You can also point out that the ubiquitous signs for a buy now,pay-later service means that you are spending money before you have it. That’s a big wealth problem – you must spend less than you earn.

4. Paying pocket money

Give your child the ability to make money from an early age by doing extra jobs. This reinforces that money is earned,not gifted,and echoes the effort you have to put in to earn it.

Then,when they are,say,about age eight,implement my “pocket money challenge”.

Give your child an option on how they will be paid pocket money. For example,they could have $40 at the beginning of every month or $10 every week. I guarantee they will choose $40 up front and very likely blow it all before the month is out.

This is a crucial money lesson on the need to stretch out the limited resource to avoid later disappointment.

5. Holidays

There is a great deal of money education that you can impart while travelling,including budgeting – the fact money runs out and you only have a certain amount to spend on your trip – as well as general money management and decision-making. Explaining beforehand that you are saving and targeting a particular trip has great value,too.

6. Cooking

What is particularly good about cooking is all the maths and measurement. It is all very numbers-focused and precise,which is similar to budgeting and smart money allocation.

7. Eating

Food is a great teaching tool,especially when your children are too small to understand numbers. It is a great proxy for money and its scarcity and targeting goals with it. “You could eat all of that cake now or you could eat some and then there will be some left for tomorrow.”

We talk a lot in my house about looking after “future you” and delayed gratification. It is a lesson difficult for many of us to learn,so you might as well start young.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon is the author ofHow to Get Mortgage-Free Like Me. Follow Nicole onFacebook,Twitter orInstagram.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon is a financial educator,commentator and author.

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